Schibsted ASA (SCH) - TV 2 - Preliminary Annual Result 2002

The TV 2 Group AS announced their Preliminary Annual Result 2002 on January 28,2003:
(Figures in NOK 1,000)            TV 2 Group
FY 2002
FY 2001
Operating revenues
1 560 518
1 503 206
Operating expences
1 352 338
1 378 511
Operating profit
208 180
124 695
Result from ass. companies
-18 693
-60 774
Andel resultat tilknyttede selskaper
Net financial items
-19 481
-56 712
Profit before taxes
170 006
7 209
Schibsted owns 33.3% of the TV 2 Group AS.
Schibsted's share of the net profit/loss in the TV 2 Group is included in Schibsted's accounts. As of today the net profit/loss from the TV 2 Group is not yet determined.
Oslo, 29 January 2003
Schibsted ASA

Elisabeth Blom Tindlund
Investor Relations Officer