Atea: Strong Result for the Financial Year

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 13, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Despite a weak market Atea, the Nordic region's leading one-stop supplier of IT products and related services, recorded a profit for the financial year 2002. Turnover totaled MSEK 6,061 (MSEK 6,013 in 2001). The operating profit (EBITA) was MSEK 104 (MSEK 101). Profit before tax for the financial year 2002 was MSEK 64,9 (MSEK 19.3 in the fourth quarter of 2001(a).

"We help our customers earn money by improving the efficiency of their IT infrastructure and managing IT products. There is an increasing interest in our way of providing a one-stop solution in this area," said Thomas Keifer, CEO of Atea. He continued: "Reducing IT costs will continue to be an extremely important issue for most companies and organisations. During the year we have moved another step up the value chain and reinforced our expertise as advisors and efficiency experts in the field of IT infrastructure."

During the year Atea has made focused efforts in the Nordic region in a number of prioritised business areas and market segments. These are above all the public sector, license management, home PCs, and servers and data storage products. These efforts have produced results. Despite a weak Nordic market during the year, Atea has expanded significantly and won market shares in several important segments.

About Atea

Atea is the leading Nordic company in sales, distribution and integration of IT products and IT infrastructure. Atea's business concept is to simplify and rationalise our customers' management of IT-products throughout the life cycle.

(a) Atea group (Atea Holding AB) was legally founded October 1, 2001.
    Atea has 700 employees in the Nordic region. Atea is owned by
    WM-data, the international venture capital company 3i and the 
    management in Atea. CEO is Thomas Keifer. Ateas turnover 2002 was
    6061 MSEK.

 See also

 For further information please contact:

 Thomas Keifer, CEO
 Tel: +46 733-98 00 06

 Rolf Eriksson, CFO
 Tel: +46 733-98 55 01

 Johan Scherlin, Marketing and Information
 Tel: +46 733-98 43 10

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