Amersham Maintains Good Momentum with Overall Sales Up 7% and Strong EPS Growth

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, U.K., Feb. 26, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Amersham Plc (NYSE:AHM) (LSE:AHM):


All results are stated before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation unless otherwise noted. Management believes that exclusion of these items provides a better comparison of business performance for the periods presented. Trading profit represents operating profit before R&D. All growth rates are stated at constant exchange unless otherwise noted.

               12 months       12 months     Growth at    Growth at
              to 31 Dec 02   to 31 Dec 01     constant      actual
                              restated(a)     exchange     exchange
                                                rate         rate

                 mPounds      mPounds         (CER) %          %

 Sales           1,618        1,603            7(#)            1

 Operating       310          293              7               6

 Profit          300          279              8               8
  before tax

 Earnings per    29.9p        26.6p            15              12

 Statutory       26.1p        33.2p            --             (21)
  earnings per

 Dividend per    7.8p         7.1p             --              10

 -- Sales up 7%(#) to 1,618 million pounds, profit before tax up 8% to
    300 million pounds. Strong earnings per share up 15% to 29.9p,
    including benefit from lower tax rate

 -- Amersham Health sales up 8% to 948 million pounds

    -- Medical diagnostics (ex Japan) up 14% to 723 million pounds,
       with patented products up 22% to 354 million pounds surpassing
       sales of unpatented products, in the second half, for the first

 -- Amersham Biosciences sales up 6%(#) to 670 million pounds

    -- Protein separations sales up 15%(#) to 276 million pounds
       driven by excellent growth in bioprocess in the second half of
       the year. Discovery systems sales 1%(#) lower at 394 million
       pounds as a result of slowdown in instrument sales

 -- Restructuring of discovery systems to accelerate move to
    profitability during 2004, with annualised cost savings of more
    than 30 million pounds

 -- Operating cash flow was 346 million pounds, net debt was 182
    million pounds

 (1) Statutory earnings per share are stated after exceptional items
     and goodwill amortisation. After exceptional items and goodwill
     amortisation operating profit was 273 million pounds up from 272
     million pounds in 2001 and profit before tax was 264 million
     pounds down from 314 million pounds in 2001.

 (#) Comparable growth excluding disposed business
 (a) Restated for FRS 19 "Deferred Taxation"

Sir William Castell, Chief Executive, Amersham plc, said: "We have continued to see good momentum in our business, driven by medical diagnostics and protein separations where we have clear leadership in high growth markets. In discovery systems we will see significant benefits from the steps announced today to accelerate the move of this business area into profitability. Our businesses continue to generate good operating cash flow and we will be making a number of major investments in manufacturing capacity in 2003 to underpin our long term growth."

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