OM: Stockholmsborsen is one of the most Efficient Exchanges Thanks to Technology

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 20, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- "We at OM are proud of the fact that Stockholmsborsen is one of the world's most efficient exchanges. It is technological development that will lead to increased efficiency and improved competitiveness," stated OM's (Other OTC:OMGPF) CEO Per E. Larsson in his address to the 19th Annual General Meeting of shareholders at Stockholm's Berwaldhallen last night.

The dividend was fixed at SEK 1.00 (1.00) per share and the record day for the distribution will be March 24, 2003. The dividend is expected to be distributed by VPC on March 27, 2003.

Bengt Halse, Group CEO and President of SAAB, was elected as a new Board member. Gunnar Brock, Adine Grate Axen, Thomas Franzen, Per E. Larsson, Bengt Ryden and Olof Stenhammar were all re-elected. Jan R. Carendi and Nils-Fredrik Nyblaeus had requested not to be considered for re-election. The fees to the Board of Directors were voted to remain unchanged with SEK 700 000 to the Chairman of the Board, SEK 300 000 to the Deputy Chairman of the Board if appointed. Fees to the Board members were changed to SEK 200 000. In addition, fees of a total of SEK 125 000 to the members of the Remuneration Committee and the Auditing Committee were voted.

Peter Clemedston, PriceWaterhouse Coopers, and Bjorn Fernstrom, Ernst & Young, were elected as auditors. In conjunction with OM's change of main public accounting firm from Ernst & Young to PriceWaterhouse Coopers, auditor Stephan Tolstoy, PriceWaterhouse Coopers, has stepped down in favor of Peter Clemedtson of PriceWaterhouse Coopers. Per Hedstrom, Ernst & Young and Bo Hjalmarsson, PriceWaterhouse Coopers were elected as deputy auditors. The fees to the Auditors were voted to remain unchanged, according to account.

Per E. Larsson's address to the Meeting can be read on OM's website:

For further information or comments, please contact:
Olof Stenhammar, Chairman of the Board, OM +46-8-405 66 42
Per E. Larsson, President and CEO, OM      +46-8-405 66 19
Anna Eriksson, VP Brand and Communications, OM+46-8-405 66 12

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