Kingdom Ventures Becomes Exclusive Distributor for PastorPreneur; Receives Support from George W. Bush and John C. Maxwell

MINDEN, Nev., June 18, 2003 -- Kingdom Ventures, Inc. (OTCBB:KDMV), a rapidly growing church development company, announced today it has obtained exclusive distribution rights for PastorPreneur, the new book from John Jackson, President of VisionQuest Ministries and Pastor of Carson Valley Christian Center. PastorPreneur will be available early July and could hit the shelves of major booksellers such as Barnes & Noble (NYSE:BKS) and Borders (NYSE:BGP) later this fall.

"PastorPreneur is an ideal book for pastors and Christian business leaders. It will equip them to become effective leaders for the faith community. It will provide them with entrepreneurial strategies to reach their community, invite others to invest in their dream, and capture God's heart for reaching people. This book is for pastors, church leaders, business leaders in the faith community and people of faith everywhere," said John Jackson, the author.

The initial feedback for PastorPreneur has been extremely positive. The book is clearly in keeping with the Faith Based Initiative of President George W. Bush, who is quoted on the back cover of the book.

"I hope that every faith-based group in America, the social entrepreneurs ... understand that this government respects your work. We want you to follow your heart. We want you to do the works of kindness and mercy you are called upon to do," stated President Bush.

When outlining the key elements of his faith-based initiative, Bush said: "No government policy can put hope in people's hearts or a sense of purpose in people's lives. That is done when someone, some good soul puts an arm around a neighbor and says, God loves you, and I love, and you can count on us both. And we find that powerful spirit of compassion in faith-based and community groups across our nation: People giving shelter to the homeless; providing safety for battered women; giving care and comfort to AIDS victims; bringing companionship to lonely seniors." (for more information, visit

"This is exactly what PastorPreneur teaches leaders to do. By introducing well-proven business-driven strategies, churches could dramatically improve their positive influence in our society. PastorPreneur teaches what Kingdom Ventures already does. Our goal is to become the leading church development company in the world by helping faith-based organizations and churches focus on their core mission -- reaching people for God -- by focusing on its core business: helping churches and their people grow.

According to John Maxwell, a best-selling Christian author and founder of the INJOY Group, an organization dedicated to helping people maximize their personal and leadership potential, "If you're thinking your way through developing a new church or being an agent for change in your present ministry, PastorPreneur is worth reading. John Jackson knows what he's talking about because he's lived it."

About John Jackson

John Jackson is the president of VisionQuest Ministries. He is the founder and Senior Pastor of Carson Valley Christian Center in Nevada. The church was launched in February 1998, and has become a model for planting a 'High Impact Church'. Carson Valley Christian Center has over 1,500 members in worship in three services each weekend. This is remarkable considering that there are only 100,000 people within 30 miles and only 5% of the people in the surrounding area attend church.

John Jackson has formerly served as Executive Minister of the American Baptist Churches of the Pacific Southwest where he headed a mission staff supporting and encouraging the ministries of 270 churches located in four Western states. During his 4-year tenure in the late 1990s, baptisms doubled in the churches of the region.

About Kingdom Ventures

Kingdom Ventures helps faith-based organizations streamline their operations, raise additional money through various fund-raising activities or simply provide technological solutions that transform small and medium-sized churches into state-of-the-art presentation centers. The company helps churches focus on their core mission -- reaching people for God -- by focusing on its core business: helping churches and their people grow.

There are approximately 400,000 Protestant churches in the U.S. alone. 94% of them have fewer than 1,000 active members, and therefore limited financial resources to effectively manage the business side of their operations. Christian organizations' total budgets are measured in billions of dollars. 89% of American households give to charities an average of $1,600+ a year, and religious organizations receive 60% of it. In addition, religious and inspirational products are selling at a pace of $5.6 billion annually (source: Christian Retailing Magazine).

Within less than three years, Kingdom Ventures has built a distribution network for Christian products, consisting of 2,100+ retail stores; 1,200 Christian bookstores and 900 gift stores. It has also established strong business relationships with hundreds of Christian organizations and performed over 750 fundraising events -- helping churches and other Christian organizations grow.

For more information on Kingdom Ventures, visit

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