Jacobson Resonance Enterprises, Inc.'s Scientific Base Gains Worldwide Recognition in Multi-Billion Dollar Marketspace

BOYNTON BEACH, Fla., Sept. 17, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Jacobson Resonance Enterprises, Inc., (OTCBB:JRSE) announced today that its technology is achieving world recognition for its cutting edge principles from a historical perspective in the biophysical sciences. New ideas generally take twenty to forty years to be seriously considered by the scientific collective consciousness. Quoting Dr. Jerry I. Jacobson, Founder and Chairman: "Twenty-four years post discovery, Jacobson Resonance is now being considered a potential revolutionary breakthrough by scientists throughout the world. Every major milestone in the history of science was surrounded by skepticism and controversy. However, while change must endure sacrifice, scientific studies conducted with rigor in the areas of nerve regeneration, cardiovascular electro physiology, cancer, pain management, wound healing and agriculture have yielded positive data. The common thread tying these studies has been the use of Jacobson Resonance to determine the electromagnetic signal parameters."

According to Harvey Grossman, President and Chief Strategic Officer: "Our scientific base has always been the driving force for the commercial success of JRSE. We estimate that this scientific base is poised to tap into a multi-billion market. The Company's technological base has the potential for multiple industry applications including the fields of medicine, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and the environment."

Dr. Jacobson has traveled the world reporting data and explaining the theory in recent years. His lecture tours have included travel through India, lecturing at Apollo hospitals in Delhi, Bomby, Calcutta and Madras, and a presentation to the Indian Medical Association. In 2002 he was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine (with a concentration in Biophysics) at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, India, for his Thesis entitled, "Electromagnetic Fields in the Treatment of Neuropathy and Pain". Ongoing clinical research is being conducted at the Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research at the University of Delhi. At the 10th Convocation of the Bundelkhand University on February 17, 2003, Vice Chancellor Professor Ramesh Chandra presented Professor Jerry Jacobson the Doctor of Philosophy award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the advancement of science.

In 2002 Dr. Jacobson received an invitation to present his work by President: Son Altesse Serenissime la Princess Antionette de Monaco at Les Entretiens Internationaux de Monaco held in Monte Carlo. His entire presentation was published in the Proceedings on the effects of no ionizing electromagnetic fields. Before attending the conference in Monaco, Dr. Jacobson presented three lectures (with his colleagues from Cornell and Fairleigh Dickinson Universities) in Moscow at the Third International conference on Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health, Fundamental and Applied Research. The Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Ministry of health, the World Health Organization and the Russian National committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association organized this conference. While in Europe Dr. Jacobson was invited to present at the Huddinge University Hospital in Stockholm, which together with the Karolinska Institute forms the home of the Nobel Assembly in Medicine and Physiology. Dr. Jacobson took this opportunity to conduct a clinical demonstration of Jacobson Resonance in Stockholm while treating in a research setting various pathologies including arthritis and fibromyalgia. The results were stunning to say the least. Shortly after returning from Europe Dr. Jacobson was invited to present his data to the National Research Council in Winnipeg, Canada.

Numerous clinical studies executed both double-blinded, randomized and placebo controlled, and case controlled throughout the world have revealed that Jacobson Resonance magnetic field signal parameters are effective in pain management. On January 10, 2001 JRSE received formal license issuance of the CE-MARK by the Health Authorities of the European Union in conjunction with the Spanish Health ministry for medical use, distribution, manufacturing, and sale of Jacobson Resonators throughout the nation members of the European Union. The approval covers the reduction of chronic pain associated with arthrosis of the knees. In addition, the Spanish Ministry under the same CE-MARK license has received full approval and clearance for manufacturing of all model resonators.

On November 27, 200 JRSE received notification of licensing rights from the Therapeutic Products Section of the Canadian Ministry of Health (Health Canada) for commercialization and use of Jacobson Resonators in Canada. The license indication covers the reduction of pain associated with arthritic conditions.

Proteins, in-RNA and genes have been influenced by signals predicted by Jacobson Resonance with ongoing research at Mississippi State University. In a study utilizing human breast cancer cells and the Jacobson Resonator it was shown that an inhibited viability and proliferation rate of these cancer cells between 31% to 35% compared to controls. The scientific manuscript is in preparation.

The effects of low-level magnetic fields predicted by Jacobson Resonance on wound healing in rats was studied at Mississippi State University. It was found that resonated sutured wounds had significantly higher ultimate stress and energy at day 14. Resonated open wounds contracted significantly faster at days 2 and 4. This study was published in the American Journal of Veterinary Research, July 2003.

Jacobson Resonance has been utilized to restore the structure and function of nerves in mice after poisoning with neurotoxin IDPN. This was accomplished through an in-vivo study at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Elsevier Sciences LTD has published these data in a peer-reviewed scientific periodical in June 2003.

In-vitro mouse sciatic nerve studies were conducted at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. They showed that low-level magnetic fields, predicted by Jacobson Resonance, can maintain the integrity of cellular and sub-cellular structures of nerve segments, whereas unexposed nerve segments quickly degenerated outside the living system. These data were published by the Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University.

At the University of Oklahoma, the Jacobson Equation was used to predict the electromagnetic signal parameters for the conduction of the cardiac impulse from atria to ventricles, heart rate, autonomous function and heart rhythmicity in dogs. Ionic channeling in myoceytes (dog heart cells) in-vitro has also been shown to be influenced by very low-level magnetic fields. Some of these data are currently in press. Responses of thoracic spinal neurons to activation of cardiac nociceptors while using Jacobson Resonance were studies at the University of Oklahoma. These results showed that electromagnetic field bioresonances can modify nociceptive cardiac afferent information that affects the processing of spinal neurons. This leads to the suggestion that Jacobson Resonance might be used in the future to reduce cardiac pain in patients who are refractory to surgical and pharmacologic treatments. These data were reported at a scientific conference.

Other studies conducted at universities and research institutes include the dramatic growth effects of soya and mung sprouts using Jacobson resonation, the enhanced diffusion rate of resonated water compared to non-resonated, enhanced photoemission of resonated water compared to non-resonated, growth effects on cucumber and squash plants using resonated water, and many others.

In concluding, it is fair to say that scientists throughout the world have heard Professor Jacobson speak about his vision, have read his numerous publications in scientific journals and have examined his patents that are published throughout the world. His ideas are groundbreaking which must by definition spur controversy. However, this scientific base is growing as researchers plan future studies in retinal degeneration, cervical arthrosis, lower back pain, cardiology, cancer and many other areas of inquiry. The database has expanded and scientific curiosity is growing in all quarters.

Dr. Jacobson maintains, "Positive data gleaned from such a diversity of rigorous studies has grown to proportions that are impossible to ignore. While there is much to do on our journey, and much to prove, I believe that Jacobson Resonance has provided a kernel of truth about our universe that must inexorably lead to the palliation, and in many instances, the eradication of human suffering. The sacrifice is well worth it as one looks to the future."

JRSE is an emerging worldwide leader in magnetic resonance technology, whose main focus is the eradication of human suffering. The Company's technology base has the potential for multiple industry applications including the fields of medicine, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and the environment. The company can be found on the web at http://www.jrse.com.

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The matters covered by such forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to differ materially from those contemplated or implied by such forward-looking statements. For further information, contact Harvey Grossman at (561) 752.4141.

