Ministry of Justice, Finland chooses Song Networks for supplying its multi service network

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Sept. 29, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Song Networks Holding AB's (Other OTC:SONWF) (Stockholmsborsen:SONW) Finnish subsidiary Song Networks Oy has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Justice (Oikeusministerio) for delivering a multi-service network solution. The network solution will connect the Ministry of Justice's over 350 offices in Finland. The agreement extends over 5 years and has a value for Song Networks of approximately SEK 110 million.

"The network solution makes it possible for the Ministry of Justice to further develop its data and voice communication services. With the solution, we are able to create new electronic legal services for citizens. One of the development concerns are electronic legal action and customer service mentioned in Finnish Information Society Program and use of digital and video technology in courts," said Kari Kujanen, Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Justice, Finland.

The administrative sector under the Ministry of Justice includes courts of law, the system of prosecution, the state's legal aid offices, the execution authorities and the prison service administration. Other offices in the Ministry's branch of administration are e.g. Office of the Prosecutor General, Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman and the National Research Institute of Legal Policy. The offices are located all over Finland, from Helsinki to Utsjoki. As a government department the Ministry of Justice draws guidelines for legal policy, develops statute policy, and directs its purview.

"Our agreement with the Ministry of Justice will be the first multi service network at this scale in Finland for state administration", says Ari-Jussi Knaapila, Managing Director of Song Networks Oy and continues: "We are extremely content to be the provider for a such advanced network solution requiring customer."

For more information, please contact:

 Song Networks Oy                            Ministry of Justice, Finland
 Ari-Jussi Knaapila, Mananging Director      Kari Kujanen, Chief
 Phone: + 358 30 994 2310                    Information Officer
 Mobile: + 358 50 994 2310                   Phone: + 358 9 160 675 52
 E-mail:  Mobile: +358 50 550 4864

About Song Networks, (Stockholmsborsen: SONW) Song Networks is a data and telecommunications operator with activities in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. The Company's business concept is to offer the best broadband solution for data communication, Internet and voice to businesses in the Nordic region. The Company was founded in 1995 in Sweden and has approximately 840 employees. The head office is located in Stockholm and the Company has 24 offices located in the Nordic region.

Certain statements contained in this press release contain "forward- looking statements" within the meaning of the U.S. federal securities law. Such statements are based on the current expectations of the management of Song Networks Holding AB only, and performance is subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these statements. Such risks include, but are not limited to, adverse regulatory, technological or competitive developments; decline in demand for the company's services or products; inability to timely develop, introduce and market new technologies, products and services; pricing pressures resulting from competition; unforeseen construction delays; and the inability to successfully manage systems failures or shutdowns and service interruptions or reduced services to customers.

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