Descartes, Buddha and Zooby -- New Book Presents Biography of Philosophical Feline

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 6, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Cats and dogs are an endearing part of many Americans' lives, forming life long bonds and enriching lives. What, however, do the pets feel about their lives amongst humans? Now, for the first time, a cat speaks his peace on living in the captivity of humans. Zooby (now available through 1stBooks) is a biography of a feisty feline as told by Paul Hamanaka.

Zooby is the name of a real cat, who lived with his owner for 20 years. Told through his eyes and in his words, the book lets readers experience his life and learn about his perspectives on humans. He ponders if an old cat's life is meaningful and worries about people's lives. Most of his young life was spent with Mom, a young woman who lost her parents and filled her life with this friendly feline. Their lives are filled with fun and love. When Mom is looking for a new apartment and a roommate to share the rent, she meets Yuji, an Asian artist who is also looking for an apartment. The story evolves as Zooby's precarious friendship with Yuji develops near the end of the cat's life. By sharing his tragedy, observations, wit and wisdom with the world, Zooby invites readers to listen to the sounds of life and love.

Zooby is a heartwarming book for all ages, but the author feels it is particularly suited for senior citizens.

"The book is intended to be read by elderly people who are neglected in some way, facing the end of their life and not fond of reading those heavy non-fiction books for seniors like health books, history books, religious books and so on. This book offers these people the joy of reading with a smile and profound thoughts and understanding," Hamanaka states.

Hamanaka is an artist and teacher who was born and lived in Japan till 1978. He moved to Paris and studied art and French for three years. After staying in Tunisia for over a year, he came to America in 1982. Since then, he has exhibited his art numerous times and recently launched his Web site, This is Hamanaka's first book, and the book contains many of his sketches.


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