Universal Computer Systems is First DSP with Toyota Dealer Daily Interface Release 4 Functionality

HOUSTON, Oct. 20, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Universal Computer Systems (UCS) is proud to announce that the UCS-Toyota Dealer Daily Interface (DDI) Release 4 applications are now in 'GA' (General Availability) status (1). Toyota Dealer Daily is a Microsoft(r)-based portal site, providing a private virtual network for dealerships to handle the majority of their communication and business transactions with Toyota Motor Sales.

UCS is the first dealer management system provider to complete development of these interfaces with Toyota Motor Sales. Clients currently launched on Toyota DDI now have the following interfaces available:

 -- DDI-PMU -- Parts Master Update: Onsite update of parts information
    (e.g. pricing, supersession, manufacturer flags, etc.).

 -- DDI-INV -- Daily Parts Inventory: Parts inventory reporting to Toyota
    on a daily basis.

 -- DDI-SHP -- Parts Shipper Posting: Batch parts receipting and posting.

 -- DDI-OPC -- Op Code Master Update: Onsite update of labor operations
    (e.g. labor times, operations codes, etc.).

 -- DDI-VAD -- Vehicle Adjustments (to TMS): Reporting of changes to
    vehicle inventory.

 -- DDI-CUP -- Customer Updates (to TMS): Daily reporting of Toyota
    customers in customer database that have been added or changed (e.g.
    bought a Toyota, brought a vehicle in for service, etc.).

 (1) Not available to dealerships serviced by Gulf States Toyota and
     Southeast Toyota.

About Universal Computer Systems

Universal Computer Systems (UCS) Inc., based in Houston, Texas, supplies comprehensive software solutions specifically designed to meet the needs of automobile dealerships. Founded in 1970, UCS has built a reputation as being the industry leader in innovation. UCS offers LAN based architecture and distributed processing, while providing the most integrated suite of software applications available for dealerships. For more information on UCS, visit the company's web site at www.UniversalComputerSys.com, or call the UCS Marketing Department at 1-800-231-6347.

The Universal Computer Systems logo can be found at the following URL: http://media.primezone.com/prs/single/?pkgid=540

