Global Electric Implements National Media Campaign

HOLLYWOOD, Calif., , Dec. 4, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Whistler Investments, Inc. (OTCBB:WHSL) (Name change pending to Global Electric) announced today that pursuant to the Global Electric Business and Marketing Plan, a nationally focused media campaign is set to commence immediately.

Global Electric has already received high profile media attention surrounding the launch of the Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) and the announcement of the highly anticipated R Car release.

Global Electric has produced a television commercial, as well as initiated pre-production on an infomercial aimed at both the buying public, as well as the investment community. Segments from the recently produced television commercial can be viewed by visiting the Media section of our website at As well, an article on our company will be featured in the upcoming issue of Resource World Magazine, which will hit the news stands in the coming week.

Holly Roseberry, President of Global Electric stated "As we have clearly reached all of our milestones from a partnership, research and development and production level, it is now our pleasure to initiate our extremely aggressive media campaign. Our main focus will be to brand our company and products by utilizing international media, as well we are currently negotiating several high profile `Hollywood' product placement deals. We anticipate that the marketing campaign, coupled with our revolutionary products, should have a positive and dramatic impact at all levels."

Don Rose, Director of Business Development stated "We are in a fortunate position to be representing such a highly marketable and exciting product. I am personally very excited to see what the next quarter will bring for our company."

About Whistler Investments (OTCBB:WHSL)

Global Electric

Whistler Investments Inc. (OTCBB:WHSL) -- name change pending to Global Electric; is an emerging leader in the development and marketing of electric vehicles and electric powered products worldwide.

We at Global believe our superior technology, coupled with an aggressive marketing plan will establish our company on the world stage. With the global focus moving rapidly towards addressing pollution, the need for sustainable zero emission energy is current. As current legislation is dictating a move towards this type of energy we foresee this industry as one of the fastest growing segments within the global economy.

Global is applying this technology to products that are currently in wide spread global use, such as scooters, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, small vehicles and many other essential products. The combination of usable cutting edge technology and mass-marketed products creates a unique market opportunity for our company. Technology that can be applied immediately allows Global to begin the sales cycle immediately.

Global technology will also focus on the creation of a 100% self-powered house. This unit will feature lithium-powered technology in addition to other leading edge energy creation technology. The house will be located in the Los Angeles area and will be a showcase of Global Electric and the power of lithium.

Forward Looking Statement

This press release may include forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These statements are based on the Company's current expectations as to future events. However, the forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this press release might not occur,


