Lansforsakringar Fondforvaltning becomes Subsidiary of Lansforsakringar Bank

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Dec. 22, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Lansforsakringar Bank is acquiring Lansforsakringar Fondforvaltning AB from Lansforsakringar AB. Lansforsakringar Bank is a subsidiary of Lansforsakringar AB. The purchase consideration amounts to SEK 115 M.

"There is a natural connection between the banking and fund operations. Consequently, this transaction is fully in line with our strategy. As a result of the acquisition of the fund management company, the bank's earnings will be strengthened," says Tomas Johansson, President, Lansforsakringar Bank.


The transaction is being implemented as a non-cash issue, which results in an increase in the share capital in Lansforsakringar Bank of SEK 115 M. The acquisition is intended to occur as of January 1, 2004 and is dependent upon the necessary approvals of the authorities.

 Key figures                 September 30, 2003
 Lansforsakringar Bank
 Return on equity                           3.1
 Capital adequacy ratio, %                 8.55
 Tier 1 ratio, %                           8.06
 Total assets, SEK M                     29,256
 Income, SEK M                             34.6
 Rating, Standard & Poor's             K 1/BBB+

 Key figures Lansforsakringar Fondforvaltning   September 30, 2003
 Assets under management, SEK M                             31,679
 Income, SEK M                                                11.9

 Pro forma Bank Group, including Lansforsakringar Fondforvaltning

 Income statement, Jan. 1, 2003-Sep. 30, 2003   SEK M
 Net interest income                            497.8
 Commission, net                                130.1
 Other revenues                                  87.6
 Total operating revenues                       715.5
 Personnel expenses                             107.9
 Other expenses                                 293.7
 Total expenses                                 401.6
 Profit before loan losses                       72.5
 Loan losses, net                                33.6
 Profit from banking business                    38.9
 Profit from insurance business                   3.1
 Total operating profit                          42.0
 Tax                                             -2.1
 Income for the period                           39.9

 Balance sheet, Sep. 30, 2003                  SEK M
 Lending to the public                        27,899
 Bonds                                           649
 Tangible and intangible assets                  223
 Assets in the insurance business                  5
 Other assets                                    653
 Total assets                                 29,429
 Deposits and borrowing from the public       18,546
 Securities issued                             6,756
 Debt in insurance business                        6
 Other liabilities                             2,106
 Subordinated debt                               180
 Shareholders' equity                          1,835
 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity   29,429

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