Boliden: Application for a summons against Dragados

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 23, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- As previously announced, Boliden's Spanish subsidiary Boliden Apirsa filed a notice of litigation against the Spanish company Dragados y Construcciones S.A. Now Boliden Apirsa has filed the final claim in a court in Madrid. Boliden's claim against Dragados amounts to around EUR 115 million.

In 2001 Boliden Apirsa was acquitted of all responsibility in the criminal investigation following the dam failure in 1998 at the Los Frailes mine in Spain. Reports from both an international commission of inquiry and a criminal investigation stated that the failure was caused by defects in the design and construction of the dam.

Boliden terminated its mining activities in Spain in 2001.

 For further information, please contact:
 Marianne Lindholm, Senior Vice President - Legal Affairs
 telephone +46 8 610 16 31, +46 70-510 16 80

 Ulf Soderstrom, Senior VP Group Communications
 telephone +46 8 610 15 57, +46 70 618 95 95

Boliden is one of the leading mining and smelting companies in the world with operations in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ireland and Canada. Boliden's main products are copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver. Exploration and Recycling of Base Metals are also important within the company. The number of employees is approximately 4 800 and the turnover amounts to approximately EUR 1.6 billion annually. The Boliden share is quoted on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in Sweden as well as on the Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada.

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