WHAT: Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania (BFTP/SEP) is capping off their 20th Anniversary with a signature event showcasing its achievements and investments over the past two decades. The event includes the release of a historical document covering BFTP/SEP's evolution and work in Pennsylvania's southeast region. Six exhibits are organized around key characteristics of Ben Franklin the man as applied to Ben Franklin the organization. They include: visionary, inventor, partner, network builder, social architect, and wealth creator. WHO: Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Board Members, Partners and Staff. Additional invited guests. WHEN: Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:00 p.m. Reception 5:30 p.m. "Franklin Coming of Age" Exhibit Dedication 6:00 p.m. Open House WHERE: Ben Franklin Technology Partners, Southeastern Pennsylvania 1835 Market Street Suite 1100 Philadelphia, PA 19103 VISUALS: The interactive exhibit will include: Visionary - This interactive exhibit will consist of an Atomic Force Microscopy remote user demonstration. Electrostatic contact nanolithography in thin film electronic materials. Courtesy of the University of Pennsylvania, the PENN Regional Nanotechnology Facility is a full service materials characterization lab with emphasis on the science and engineering in nanoscale systems. Inventor - This exhibit will showcase the technological innovations of two regional companies specifically highlighting innovative advances and products. Visitors will be invited to interact with the demonstrations available. Wealth Creator - This exhibit will challenge the assertion that money doesn't grow on trees. Comprised of three artificial trees foliated with BFTP/SEP dollar bills and a "risky business" gaming wheel at the table, guests will be asked to take a spin and select among seven items. "Where would you invest your dollar to grow the region's economy?" HIGHLIGHTS: Since its formation, Ben Franklin Technology Partners has provided innumerable opportunities for regional growth. Some statistics noted in the 20th Anniversary report include: -- Providing more than $110 million to more than 1,400 regional enterprises through various funding mechanisms. -- Investing $20 million in biotechnology research alone. -- Maintaining an investment portfolio of approximately 130 technology companies, representing more than $20 million in direct investments. -- Leveraged more than $10 million annually in additional funding from other public and private sources. -- Seeded and invested in the creative ingenuity of more than 170 regional entrepreneurs. -- Worked with more than 160 established companies to increase their competitiveness by solving product development challenges and improving core processes.