Industrivarden (publ) Notice of Annual General Meeting 2004

STOCKHOLM, Feb. 26, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Shareholders of AB Industrivarden (publ) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held at 2 p.m. on Monday, March 29, 2004, at the Grand Hotel, Vintertradgarden (entrance at the corner of Stallgatan/Blasieholmsgatan), in Stockholm.

Notice of Attendance, etc.

To be entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting, shareholders must be listed on the printout of the shareholder register issued by VPC as per Friday, March 19, 2004, and give notice of their intention to participate in the Meeting no later than 3 p.m. on Thursday, March 25, 2004.

Notice of intention to participate in the Meeting can be given in writing to AB Industrivarden (publ), Box 5403, SE-114 84 Stockholm, Sweden; by phone at +46-8-666 64 00; by fax at +46-8-661 46 28; or by e- mail at Notification by e-mail requires receipt of confirmation (within 24 hours) that notification has been made. Upon notification, shareholders must state their name, national ID number/corporate registration number, address and phone number.

Shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee must request temporary registration of their shares in their own names in the shareholder register as per Friday, March 19, 2004, in order to be entitled to participate in the Meeting.


  1 Opening of the Meeting.
  2 Election of the AGM chairman.
  3 Drawing-up and approval of the register of voters.
  4 Approval of the agenda.
  5 Election of one or two persons to check the minutes.
  6 Decision as to whether the AGM has been duly convened.
  7 a. Presentation of the annual report and audit report, and of the
       consolidated accounts and audit report for the group.
    b. In connection with this: Information from the Company's
       Compensation Committee and Audit Committee.
  8 Decisions concerning:
    a. adoption of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet, and the
       Consolidated Income Statement and Consolidated Balance Sheet,
    b. allocation of the Company's profit as shown in the adopted
       Balance Sheet, and
    c. discharge from liability of the members of the Board of
       Directors and the President.
  9 Determination of the number of directors to be appointed by the
    AGM, and deputies for them.
 10 Determination of directors' fees.
 11 Election of directors.
 12 The matter of a nominating committee for Board election.
 13 Voting rights issue in Ericsson.


 The Nominating Committee proposes the following with respect
 to the items of business above:

  9 Eight directors and no deputy.

 10 SEK 2,500,000 in directors' fees, to be apportioned among the
    directors at the Board's discretion.

 11 Reelection of the directors Boel Flodgren, Tom Hedelius, Finn
    Johnsson, Sverker Martin-Lof, Arne Martensson, Lennart Nilsson and
    Anders Nyren, and new election of Fredrik Lundberg. Clas
    Reuterskiold has declined reelection.

 12 Authorization of the Chairman of the Board to appoint at least
    four members from among the major shareholders' representatives,
    who are not directors on the Company's board, to form with the
    Chairman a nominating committee for future Board elections. The
    composition of the Nominating Committee shall be announced in the
    Company's third-quarter interim report.

    Shareholders who together represent approximately 70% of the total
    number of votes have declared that they intend to vote in favor of
    the Nominating Committee's recommendation as above.

    Under item 12 above, the Swedish Shareholders' Association has
    submitted a proposal that the Nominating Committee shall be
    elected by the Annual General Meeting and consist of three to five
    independent persons who represent the Company's owners, including
    one representative of the minor shareholders.

 13 Voting rights issue in Ericsson

    A group of major Class A shareholders and Class B shareholders of
    Ericsson has presented a proposal for a change in the voting power
    of Ericsson's Class B shares. It is expected that this proposal
    will be submitted at an Ericsson's General Meeting later this
    year. As an Ericsson shareholder, Industrivarden must therefore
    take a position on the proposal. As previously announced by
    Industrivarden's board, it is up to Industrivarden's General
    Meeting to decide how Industrivarden shall vote on this issue at
    Ericsson's General Meeting.

    The proposal entails that the voting power of Ericsson's Class B
    shares will be increased from 1/1000 vote to 1/10 vote, while
    Ericsson's Class A shares will continue to have one vote each. The
    change in voting power will be combined with an arrangement
    whereby for each Class A share, Ericsson will issue a transferable
    conversion right which during a limited period will entitle the
    holder to convert one Class B share to one Class A share. In the
    event Ericsson's General Meeting votes in favor of the proposal, a
    number of Swedish institutions with substantial holdings of Class
    B shares have declared that they will offer to acquire conversion
    rights at a price of SEK 1.10 per conversion right; however, it is
    noted in this context that with respect to Industrivarden and a
    few other owners of a large number of Class A shares, the offer
    pertains only to purchases of up to 25% of conversion rights
    received. The proposal requires that Investor's and
    Industrivarden's General Meetings vote in favor of the proposal
    being approved by Ericsson's General Meeting, and that the Swedish
    Securities Council (Aktiemarknadsnamnden) announces that the
    proposal is not in contravention of generally accepted practice in
    the stock market. In addition, the proposal requires that a
    legally binding advance tax ruling is received, ensuring that a
    reduction of the voting rights difference to 10:1 and the
    conversion from Class B to Class A shares will not trigger tax

    Ericsson's board of directors and management have asserted that it
    is important for the company that the voting rights difference
    between the company's Class A and Class B shares be reduced from
    1000:1 to 10:1. The current voting rights difference has been
    criticized by many Swedish and foreign shareholders. Ericsson's
    board and management are of the opinion that that it is of value
    for Ericsson and its shareholders that the voting rights
    difference is reduced in the manner described above.

    If Ericsson's General Meeting votes in favor of the proposal and
    Industrivarden uses all the conversion rights it receives to
    convert its shares, Industrivarden's current share of the votes in
    Ericsson will decrease from 27.7% to 13.3%.


The Board proposes a shareholder dividend of SEK 5.50 per share.

The Board proposes Thursday, April 1, 2004, as the record date for payment of the dividend. Provided that the Annual General Meeting votes in favor of the proposal, dividends are expected to be sent from VPC on Tuesday, April 6, 2004.

Stockholm, Sweden, February 2004

The Board of Directors AB Industrivarden (publ)

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