The Eurovision network will, during second quarter of 2004 complement Eurovision's existing satellite network to offer TV transport services as well as LAN connectivity to EBU members and other media customers. The network will carry real time critical traffic, including breaking news and sporting events.
"The agreement with Eurovision is the ultimate acknowledgement of our solution within the professional media industry", says Tomas Duffy, CEO at Net Insight. "There are few other companies that have the same high demands when it comes to reliability and QoS for transporting high quality video traffic".
With its new network, Eurovision will provide connectivity for TV traffic between the largest media cities in Europe, with trans-Atlantic connections into the USA. The first phase of the network roll-out includes seven cities in Europe and two in the USA, with the objective to connect around twenty cities in later phases.
"This new development will bring Eurovision quality to digital video through fiber contributions and complement perfectly the existing Eurovision satellite network", said Stefan Kürten, Director of Eurovision Operations.
The network implementation has begun with the objective to launch a full commercial service in April 2004.
This order was previously published in a press release on December 16, 2003 but without the customer's name and without details.
For more information, please contact:
For Net Insight:
Tomas Duffy, CEO, Net Insight AB
Phone +46 8 685 04 00, e-mail: