Ruby Mining Company Retains Mapping Expert

ATLANTA, March 17, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Ruby Mining Company (OTCBB:RUBM) ("Ruby"), which conducts its operations through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Admiralty Corporation ("Admiralty"), today announced that Russell H. Bennett has been retained to manage the magnetometry and sub bottom profiling work on the Pedro Bank Project in Jamaica. He is the owner and CEO of American Oceanographics S. A., a Panamanian corporation which provides a full range of oceanographic services, including hydrographic mapping, sub bottom profiling, and sub surface detection using scanning/side scan sonar, magnetometry, pulse induction and ROV systems.

President and COO, G. Howard Collingwood, stated, "We are truly fortunate to have an individual with such broad experience and expertise to join Ruby. Russ has worked on our newly acquired ship the New World Legacy in the past and is very familiar with our needs. He will also be providing specialized software for Pedro Bank project."

Mr. Bennett is an expert in field operation and interpretation of magnetometry and pulse induction sensors. He is the author of "Gammas on Line"(c), a software program which combines magnetometer readings with Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) data, using an NMEA 183 interface. The program permits the output of these systems to be connected to an IBM compatible computer using an RS-232 interface which stores the combined data on a computer disc/file and displays the magnetometer output in graph form on the screen for real-time analysis. Mr. Bennett has extensive hands-on experience with multiple GPS interfaces.

Mr. Bennett is a C31 systems professional with over 15 years' experience in providing technical services to U.S. and allied government agencies/departments. He is well versed in C31 doctrine and systems derived from military service, including senior staff experience in the operation, design, planning, programming and evaluation of military C31 systems. He also brings to Ruby a strong technical background in electronics, with considerable expertise in computer operations, programming, and applications software.

Additional information about the company can be found at including Mr. Bennett's resume.

Forward-Looking Statements Caution

This release contains "forward looking statements." Such statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections that involve a number of risks and uncertainties (some of which are described in the Company's Annual Report for 2002 on Form 10-KSB filed with the SEC) which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated. Ruby does not undertake to update any of its forward-looking statements that may be made from time to time.


