WAILUKU, Hawaii, March 19, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- In A Road Map for World Peace (now available through 1stBooks), Rev. James D. Kimmel details a plan to bring peace to the world through a spiritual approach to politics.
"A Road Map for World Peace contains the essence of what the world needs most to know and do for the establishment of world peace. The integration of the frontiers of (my) living experiences leads to the derivation of a unified field equation that symbolizes an infinite and absolute singularity ancestral to every thing, meaning, value and personality in infinity," Kimmel says.
His book offers a spiritual approach to solving the major political and social problems plaguing the globe. Through a discussion of sovereignty, Kimmel suggests a global constitutional convention to draft a "Constitution of World Law" for a new democratic world government. This would ensure that every man, woman and child would be raised to a level playing field of political and spiritual equality. With this new form of government, many personal and national problems could be solved under a global judicial system, which would seek resolution for international problems and make the world a more peaceful place.
"The secret of a better civilization is bound up in the education and enlightenment of the individual and A Road Map reveals that every man, woman and child on earth are the sons and daughters of God and by faith they can actually realize and daily experience this ennobling truth...The worldwide realization of the 'Fatherhood of God' is basic to the spiritual unification of...the world," he says.
Kimmel believes that unifying the world under one government and one God makes "peace practical and possible." A Road Map for World Peace provides the signs and directions to a unified world where all can pursue their dreams unobstructed.
Kimmel was raised in Canton, Ohio and graduated from Ohio State University with a master's degree. After 10 years spent in the ecological and nuclear fields, he began teaching high school and finished Albert Einstein's unified field equation. He recognized God through the discovery of The Urantia Book and began opening The Religion of Jesus Churches of California and Hawaii. He has run for governor of Hawaii, plays a role in traditional Hawaiian politics and runs a nonprofit corporation known as Peace, Inc. (www.maui.net/~peaceinc). A Road Map for World Peace is his first book.
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