Why Women Marry -- New Book Helps Pick the Perfect Mate for a Lifetime

DALLAS, April 12, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- In modern times, blissful wedding bells seem to crack and splinter not long after they ring. In the face of real-world pressures, the dreamy view of marriage is deteriorating. The new book, Why Women Marry: An Odyssey of Women That Have Walked the Aisle (now available through AuthorHouse), by H. William Schmitt, is the first book in a trilogy designed to help women make the right choice for their wedded life.

"My goal is to reduce the divorce rate by making better choices based on real life experience rather than dream-world emotion. My belief is marriage and subsequent children are vital issues to our country's health. I emphasize women now have the freedoms to choose a mate that will encourage growth and development while tempering to the male-powered ego," Schmitt says.

His new book is designed to help women make the right choices when it comes to a lifetime of marriage. Why Women Marry collects a diverse range of responses from women of all ages. From teenagers to mature adults, the stories stem from these women's different income backgrounds and marital status. One of the first of its kind to include a practical reason, a role player individual and an insightful response to 51 reasons why women walk to the altar, the book is the culmination of years of research designed as a guide to improve marital relations and reduce the divorce rate.

"Choosing a mate to learn to love for a lifetime is serious business. Learning to go beyond an attractive smile has never been more important. Finding that special person who can cope with the pressures of being a wife, a career launcher, a mother, a caretaker, a teacher and a role model to future generations is a tall order. All these roles take time to develop, maybe a lifetime," he says.

The first of a trilogy of books designed to improve marriage by guiding individuals to avoid marital mistakes, Why Women Marry is an insightful and detailed glimpse at the world of wedded bliss.

Schmitt is a native of Cincinnati who now lives with his wife in Texas. After studying theology and philosophy, he ended up with a degree in psychology. His doctorate studies have taken him to the classroom, lecture hall, corporate desk, speaker's podium, private practice and computer chair to launch a literary and marriage enrichment seminar center. He is the originator of the "Marriage Road Map Seminars" for group and personal enrichment. Why Women Marry is his first book and the first in a trilogy. He plans to publish other books, Why Men Marry and Why Couples Divorce, soon.

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