LE Lundbergforetagen: Report on net asset value and results January -- March 2004

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 14, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- LE Lundbergforetagen:

. On March 31, 2004, net asset value amounted to SEK 18.3 billion (SEK 295 per share), compared with SEK 18.0 billion (SEK 290 per share) at December 31, 2003. The corresponding values on May 12, 2004 were SEK 17.8 billion (SEK 288 per share).

. Profit after taxes amounted to SEK 1,151 m. (409), corresponding to SEK 18.55 (6.59) per share. Net sales amounted to SEK 1,622 m. (709).

This is a report on Lundbergs in which only wholly owned subsidiaries and, in certain cases, the subsidiaries' groups of companies, have been consolidated in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act. Other shareholdings have been reported in accordance with the acquisition- value method; also see accounting principles on page 5.

L E Lundbergforetagen AB (publ) Phone: +46-8-463 06 00 or +46-11-21 65 00 Fax: +46-8-611 66 09 or +46- 11-21 65 65 E-mail: lundbergs@lundbergs.se Website: www.lundbergs.se

Company registration number: 556056-8817 Registered Head Office: Stockholm NET ASSET VALUE On March 31, 2004, net asset value after deferred tax amounted to SEK 18,309 m. (SEK 295 per share), compared with SEK 18,024 m. (SEK 290 per share) at December 31, 2003. Reported shareholders' equity accounted for SEK 183 (Dec, 31 2003: 165) of net asset value per share.

the full report with all financial tables can be found at the following links:

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