An Invitation to Petroleum Geo-Services ASA New York City Breakfast Meeting on September 10, 2004

Petroleum Geo-Services ASA would like to invite you to attend a breakfast meeting in New York City on Friday, September 10, 2004 at The Omni Berkshire Place Hotel, 21 East 52nd Street at Madison Avenue, in the Guggenheim Room, 2nd Floor, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time. 
The purpose of the breakfast meeting is to bring you a review of the Company's main achievements, challenges, goals and industry perspective.  You will have the opportunity to listen and speak with Petroleum Geo-Services' Chief Executive Officer, Svein Rennemo, and Sam Morrow, Senior Vice President Finance and Treasurer.  
We hope you can attend and request that you make your reservation (RSVP) for this breakfast meeting by returning the reply form below to Suzanne McLeod by fax at +1 281-589-8092 or send an e-mail to by Tuesday, September 7, 2004.
Confirm your attendance by completing the reply form below.  Reply by Tuesday, September 7, 2004.
Return this form by fax or e-mail to:
Suzanne McLeod
Fax:  +1 281-589-8092
Please Print or Type: