First-Half Results 2004 Confirm Incisive Strategy of Interroll

SANT'ANTONINO, Switzerland, Aug. 12, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Interroll Group, a worldwide leading supplier of conveyor components and subsystems for unit load handling, looks back on a successful first half of 2004: Total Output grows, Net Profit is up by almost 50%, and margins remain high in spite of precarious situation in global steel market.

Total Output (i.e. net sales +/- changes inventories of work in progress and finished goods + work performed by the enterprise and capitalised) for the first six months of the 2004 financial year rose by 11.1%. This was achieved without the Bulk Handling business unit, which was disposed of and deconsolidated effective from the end of June 2003. Even with Bulk Handling Total Output reached CHF 113.1 million and was thus comparable to the aggregate amount of CHF 113.2 million achieved in the months of 2003. The Components segment with the Drives & Rollers business unit generated CHF 64.1 million, while Subsystems segment (Dynamic Storage and Automation business units) achieved CHF 49.0 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) amounted to CHF 13.8 million (12.2% of Total Output). This is an increase by 10.6% compared to the EBITDA of the first half of 2003 without Bulk Handling. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) grew by 58.9% from CHF 4.8 Mio. in the first half of 2003 (excluding Bulk Handling and impairment of tangible assets and goodwill) to CHF 7.7 mio. in the period under review.

Substantial increase in Net Profit

Compared with a total of CHF 3.4 million posted in the same period a year ago, Net Profit increased substantially by 47.5 % to CHF 5.0 million in the period under review. Thanks to a significant reduction in net debt, financial expenses were reined back and total financial income was improved considerably.

Margins at a high level

Despite palpable price increases and supply-side shortages within the area of steel, Interroll was able to maintain margins at a high level in the period under review, benefiting mainly from improved productivity within the field of manufacturing.

There can be little doubt that our rigorous strategic realignment executed over the past years has had a tangible effect on revenue growth. Further large-scale projects are currently being negotiated with potential clients.

Components segment: Interroll Drives & Rollers

Benefiting from progressive planning, Interroll Drives & Rollers succeeded in augmenting Total Output by approx. 13% to CHF 64.1 million in the first six months of 2004, which is all the more impressive when one considers that this was accomplished without the contribution of Bulk Handling.

EBITDA amounted to CHF 9.5 million, which equates to 14.8 % of Total Output. Despite considerable price increases for steel, margins remained more or less stable in the first half of the 2004 financial year.

Subsystems segment: Interroll Dynamic Storage and Interroll Automation

The Subsystems segment also performed admirably in the period under review. Total Output increased by approx. 9% year on year to CHF 49.0 million. EBITDA stood at CHF 4.3 million, or 8.8% of Total Output.

Focusing on the product portfolio within this area, Belt Curves, Transfers and Sorters recorded substantial growth in terms of incoming orders; these projects are to be executed in the second half of the 2004 financial year. Incoming orders for Sorters more than doubled in the period under review, which is a tribute to Interroll's global sales platform.


European business proved favourable in the first half of the 2004 financial year. Well positioned in terms of strategy, Interroll Drives & Rollers was able to capture additional market share in all countries, while also enhancing its earnings position.

Despite unfavourable foreign-exchange effects, revenue and earnings generated in North America -- and translated into Swiss francs -- improved in the first six months of 2004.

Revenue generated in Asia was stronger than in the same period a year ago. However, Japan failed to meet expectations within this area. The weakness of Asian currencies linked to the US dollar had a palpable effect on performance in this region.


Despite unpropitious external influences, such as the precarious situation currently witnessed throughout the global steel market, Interroll can look back on a successful first half. Benefiting from an incisive strategy, we managed to enhance our market position and capture an additional share of the market on all continents. With regard to the second half of the 2004 financial year, we remain committed to rolling out several new pioneering products to accelerate growth. Moreover, we shall continue to focus on bolstering our earnings and capturing additional market share. We shall also monitor the price and supply structures of steel, a material which is of immense importance to Interroll's manufacturing activities. Developments within the area of foreign currencies will also be subject to close scrutiny. Our revenue and earnings performance for the second half of the 2004 financial year will depend on the state of the global economy over the course of the next six months.

For more information please contact Interroll on Thursday, 12th August 2004, between 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Paul Zumbuhl, CEO Tel. +41 91 850 25 24

Lorenz Kohler, Head of Corporate Communications Tel. +41 91 850 25 21 (Investor Relations)

Agenda 2005 Press conference: 1st April 2005

Key figures of the Interroll Group as of 30th June 2004 (also available in Excel from

 Interroll -- consolidated income
 statement (in 1000 CHF)
                         30.06.2004  30.06.2003  A 30.06.2003      A
                                  without bulk handling/impairment 
 Net Sales                  111'290   102'762   8.3%  113'757    -2.2%
 Changes in WIP/FG and 
   other income               1'776      -984    --      -611  -390.7%
 Production output          113'066   101'778  11.1%  113'146    -0.1%
 Income from commissions, 
   licences and freight       3'652     2'580  41.6%    2'774    31.7%
 Operating income           116'718   104'358  11.8%  115'920     0.7%
 Material expenses           49'461    40'573  21.9%   45'329     9.1%
 Personnel expenses          31'516    30'281   4.1%   34'474    -8.6%
 other operating expenses    22'639    21'200   6.8%   22'235     1.8%
 other operating income         682       162 321.0%    7'249   -90.6%
 EBITDA                      13'784    12'466  10.6%   21'131   -34.8%
 in % of production 
   output                      12.2%     12.2%   --      18.7%  -34.7%
 Depreciation                 5'090     6'842 -25.6%    7'534   -32.4%
 Impairment of tangible 
   assets                         0         0    --       695  -100.0%
 EBITA                        8'694     5'694  52.7%   12'902   -32.6%
 in % of production 
   output                      7.7%       5.6%   --      11.4%  -32.6%
 Amortisation of goodwill     1'044       881  18.5%      881    18.5%
 Impairment of goodwill           0         0    --     5'000  -100.0%
 EBIT                         7'650     4'813  58.9%    7'021     9.0%
 in % of production 
   output                      6.8%       4.7%   --       6.2%    9.0%
 Financial expenses, net       758      1'401 -45.9%    1'468   -48.4%
 Profit before taxes         6'892      3'412 102.0%    5'553    24.1%
 Income taxes                1'923        814 124.0%    2'174   -11.5%
 Profit after taxes          4'969      2'598  91.3%    3'379    47.1%
 Minority interest on 
   profit after taxes           37         14    --        14     0.0%
 Net Profit                  5'006      2'612  91.7%    3'393    47.5%
 in % of production 
   output                      4.4%       2.6%   --       3.0%   47.6%
 Basic earnings per 
   average share               
   outstanding (in CHF)        6.41        --    --      4.36    47.0%
 Diluted earnings per 
   average share 
   outstanding (in CHF)        6.37        --    --      4.36    

Interroll shares: Interroll shares are listed at the Swiss Exchange. Security number 637'289; Investdata INRN; Reuters INRn.S.

