Additional dividend and bonus issue approved by Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Orion Corporation

Decisions by the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders on 14 September 2004
1) Additional dividend EUR 2.14
The shareholders' meeting approved the proposal by the Board of Directors according to which, in addition to the dividend approved by the Annual General Meeting held on 22 March 2004, an additional dividend of 2.14 euros per share shall be paid on the basis of the confirmed Balance Sheet for the financial year that ended on 31 December 2003.  The dividend shall be paid to Orion Corporation shareholders entered in the shareholders' register maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. on the record date, 17 September 2004. The date of the dividend payment is 24 September 2004.
2) Bonus issue
In accordance with the decision by thee extraordinary shareholders' meeting of Orion Corporation  on 14 September 2004, the company's share capital will be increased by a bonus issue of EUR 114,781,315.70  from EUR 114,781,315.70  to EUR 229,562,631.40, under the following terms and conditions:
  1. In the bonus issue, each A-share will entitle its holder to receive one (1) new A-share, and each B-share will entitle its holder to receive one (1) new B-share, without payment.
  2. 29,634,329 new A-shares and 37,884,092 new B-shares, totally 67,518,421 shares will be issued, each with a nominal value of EUR 1.70. 
    The book value of the shares held by Orion Corporation in Oriola Oy will be increased from the current EUR 3,296,763.35  to EUR 115,000,000.00  by EUR 111,703,236.65 and the value increase will be recorded in the revaluation reserve in the balance sheet. A total amount equalling the increase of the share capital will be added to the share capital in the shareholders' equity by a transfer of EUR 111,703,236.65 from the revaluation reserve and EUR 3,078,079.05 from the premium fund.
  3. The record date of the bonus issue is 17 September 2004.  Shareholders being entered in the company's shareholder register on the record date shall have the right to the bonus shares.
  4. The bonus issue will be carried out in the book-entry system. No actions are required from the shareholders. The bonus issue will not cause proportional changes in the company's ownership base in terms of the number of shares or votes.
  5. The bonus shares will be entered on the shareholders' book-entry accounts on 20 September 2004, provided that the increase of the share capital has been entered in the trade register.
  6. The new shares will entitle for full dividends for the financial year that started on 1 January 2004.  The other rights attached to each share will become valid as of the day on which the share capital increase has been registered.
  7. Shareholders having not entered their shares in the book-entry system shall be entitled to the bonus shares only after registration of their shares in the system.
  8. The terms and conditions of the Orion Corporation stock option plans 1998 and 2001 will be amended in such a way that the proportional share of the shares which can be subscribed with the options will remain unchanged in the share capital.
3) Amendments to Section 3 in the Bylaws
Section 3 of the Bylaws of the company was decided to be amended as follows:
-          The minimum share capital of the company shall be one hundred twenty seven million five hundred thousand (127,500,000) euros and its maximum share capital five hundred ten million (510,000,000) euros, within which limits the share capi­tal may be raised or lowered wit­hout amending the Bylaws.
-          A maximum number of 120,000,000 of the shares shall be class A shares and a maximum number of 180,000,000 shares shall be class B shares.
No other changes were made to the Section.
Implications of the bonus issue and additional dividend
on the Orion Corporation stock option plans 1998 and 2001
According to the terms and conditions of the Orion Corporation 1998 and 2001 stock option plans, should the company, before subscription for shares, increase its share capital by way of a bonus issue, the subscription ratio shall be amended so that the ratio to the share capital of shares to be subscribed for by virtue of warrants remains unchanged.
By decision of the Board of Directors, the share subscription prices with the options will be divided by two and each option will entitle to subscribe for two Orion Corporation B-shares.
Accordingly, the terms and conditions of the stock option plans are amended as follows:
Stock option plan 1998
Section "II Terms and Conditions of the Share Subscription, 1. The right to subscribe for new shares" is amended so that each option entitles its holder to subscribe for two (2) Orion Corporation B-shares instead of one. As a result of the subscriptions, the number of shares of Orion Corporation can increase by a maximum of 6,326,400 new B-shares and the share capital can increase by a maximum of 10,754,880 euros. The other parts of the section remain unchanged.
Section "II Terms and Conditions of the Share Subscription, 3. Share subscription price" is amended so that the share subscription price shall be half of the subscription price determined by the terms. The other parts of the section remain unchanged.
Stock Option plan 2001
Section "I Issuance of Warrants, 1. Number of Warrants" is amended so that, instead of 1,800,000, the warrants will entitle to subscribe for a total of 3,600,000 B-shares in Orion Corporation. the other parts of the section remain unchanged.
Section "II Terms and Conditions of the Share Subscription, 1. Right to subscribe for new shares", is amended so that each option entitles its holder to subscribe for two (2) Orion Corporation B-shares instead of one. As a result of the subscriptions, the share capital can increase by a maximum of 6,120,000 euros and the number of shares of Orion Corporation can increase by a maximum of 3,600,000 new B-shares. The other parts of the section remain unchanged.
Section "II Terms and Conditions of the Share Subscription, 3.  Share subscription price"
is amended so that the share subscription price shall be half of the subscription price determined by the terms. The other parts of the section remain unchanged.
The additional dividend approved by the extraordinary shareholders' meeting on 14 September 2004 will reduce the share subscription prices in Orion Corporation's stock option plans in accordance with their terms and conditions. It is also deemed as a special dividend which differs from the company's normal dividend policy, as meant in section II.3 of the terms and conditions of the Orion Corporation 2001 stock option plan. Accordingly, the amount of the additional dividend will be deducted from the share subscription price for stock options 2001C and 2001D.
As of 17 September 2004, the record date of the dividend payment and the bonus issue, the
B-share subscription ratios and prices with the Orion Corporation options are as follows:
Subscription price for B-share
Subscription period
Trading code
Orion 1998 A/B
EUR 10.82
2.5.2001 - 30.4.2005
Orion 2001A
EUR 10.82
1.10.2003 - 31.10.2007
Orion 2001B
EUR 10.82
1.10.2004 - 31.10.2007
Orion 2001C
EUR 8.835
1.10.2005 - 31.10.2007
Orion 2001D
EUR 8.86
1.10.2006 - 31.10.2007
Contact persons:
Jukka Viinanen, President and CEO, phone +358 10 429 3710             
Jari Karlson, CFO, phone +358 10 429 2883, gsm +358 50 429 2883
Orion Corporation
Jukka Viinanen                                Olli Huotari
President and CEO                          General Counsel

Orion Corporation
Corporate Administration
Orionintie 1A, FIN-02200 Espoo