Anoto Groups Nomination committee

LUND, Sweden, Nov. 26, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- In accordance with decision on the Anoto Group AGM on April 26, 2004, a Nomination committee has been formed. The nomination committee consists of Ingegerd Borg (Ericsson), Bernard Gander (Logitech), Jesper Lyckeus (Capital Group) and Britt Reigo (Robur funds), who together represent the four largest shareholders on October 31, 2004. In addition the Chairman of Anoto is part of the Nomination committee and is the convener.

Together, the Nomination committee represents close to 50% of the shares and votes of Anoto Group. The task for the Nomination committee is to propose Board of Directors and Board remuneration to the AGM 2005.

The Board members Lars Berg and Urban Jansson have notified the Nomination committee that they wish not to be proposed for re-election.

Anoto Group AB is a Swedish hi-tech company with unique solutions for transmission of handwritten text from paper to digital media and scanning of printed text. All products are based on digital camera technology and image processing in real time. The Anoto Group today has two brand names: Anoto(R) -- a comprehensive solution entailing paper, pen and server technologies, allowing us to connect all types of writing paper with the digital world and C-Pen(R) -- a scanning pen that can store, interpret and transfer printed text. The Anoto Group has around 110 employees, offices in Lund (head office), Stockholm, Boston, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Major shareholders are Ericsson, Capital Group and Logitech International S/A. The Anoto share is traded on the O-list, Attract 40 of Stockholmsborsen (Stockholm Stock Exchange) under the ticker ANOT. For more information:

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