Deutsche Bahn uses Carmen to improve productivity

GOTEBORG, Sweden, Dec. 15, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Deutsche Bahn's Passenger Division went to Carmen Systems for a new way of planning more than 30,000 of the company's crew members.

The Carmen software automatically produces optimal crew shifts and rosters, and has progressively been taken into production at Deutsche Bahn, since 2002. In the long-distance operation, the project is close to finishing, whilst in the regional area the roll-out is ongoing at full speed. Union and legal rules are considered in the process, as well as social and other quality issues.

The software has now been used to do large improvements in crew efficiency within the long-distance operation, which have reached 7 per cent. Although this is only a part of the total passenger operation, the saving corresponds to over EUR 8 million yearly.

Robert Etmans, Director of Personnel at DB Fernverkehr, explained, "The Carmen product plays a vital role in improving our productivity to be best in our class in Europe. Moreover, the simulation possibilities are extremely useful to enable well-informed decisions influencing our future."

Carmen's CEO, Per Noren, added, "The Deutsche Bahn project has confirmed our ability to deliver to the largest of the transportation organizations in the world. We look forward to extending the co-operation with Deutsche Bahn, and further supporting the railway industry with its specific issues relating to operational crew and fleet planning and disruption management."

 For Additional Information Contact:
 Per Noren, President & CEO
 +46 31 720 81 01

 Catherine Hines, Public Affairs
 +46 31 722 62 02

Carmen Systems AB Odinsgatan 9 SE-411 03 Goteborg Sweden

E-mail: Web:

Deutsche Bahn is Europe's largest railway operation. The company has revenues of over EUR 28 billion and more than 240,000 employees.

Carmen Systems AB supplies integrated planning and decision-support solutions for clients found primarily in the airline and railway industry. Clients include Swedish Railways, Green Cargo, Aeromexico, Air France, Alitalia, British Airways, Delta Air Lines, Iberia, KLM, Lufthansa, Northwest Airlines, Philippine Airlines, SAS, Saudi Arabian Airlines and Virgin Atlantic Airways. Carmen Systems is a rapidly expanding organization with 190 employees from 26 countries. Carmen Systems participates in joint research and software development at some of the world's leading universities. Company headquarters is in Goteborg, Sweden and features the largest R&D department in the business.

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