Rabobank Looks Back On Successful Year

Heemskerk: Expected Rise in Profits of Around 12 Percent in 2004

UTRECHT, Netherlands, Jan. 11, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Rabobank Group clearly underwent a period of strong growth in 2004. During his New Year's speech, Mr H. (Bert) Heemskerk, chairman of the Executive Board, said he expects an increase in the financial results for 2004 of "approximately twelve percent". "I am satisfied with the outcome, it is a commendable result. I am particularly pleased by the fact that there was good performance across the entire breadth of the group."Heemskerk: "The local member banks have realised excellent growth despite a lacklustre economy and all the activities relating to consolidation aimed at improving the service provided to customers. The Wholesale division likewise achieved good results both nationally and internationally. Our country banking activities particularly grew at a strong pace. The subsidiary companies including Interpolis, De Lage Landen, Robeco, FGH, Rabo Real Estate, Gilde, Schretlen, Stroeve and Alex all performed extremely well. As a group we can be proud of our accomplishments," says the chairman of the Executive Board. "Our achievements have also not gone unnoticed in the market. Rabobank's own 'Jochem de Bruin' portrays us as we are: the underdog that has risen to become a leading bank that still remains nearby and involved in society."

Asia Relief Effort via Employee Fund and the Rabobank Development Programme Heemskerk announced that Rabobank will continue to provide assistance to the affected areas in Asia even after the immediate needs have been met. A number of initiatives were instigated within the Rabobank organisation immediately following the disaster. Following the first phase of emergency aid, Rabobank will focus its assistance explicitly and concretely on the reconstruction effort in Asia. A Rabobank Employee Fund has been created ahead of schedule for this purpose. Employees can contribute to this fund and Rabobank Nederland will double all contributions. Under the auspices of the Rabobank Development Programme, the funds will be channelled via the Rabobank Foundation for the recovery, restart or in some cases new beginning of projects in India, Sumatra and Sri Lanka with which the bank has had a long-term relationship.

Heemskerk expects that the diversity of initiatives within the Rabobank Group will collectively raise a total amount in excess of one million euros for the relief effort in Asia.

 Partner organisations in Asia to receive extra financing
 The Rabobank Foundation has begun providing extra financing to its
 following eight partner organisations in Asia:
 1. Sanasa Development Bank (Sri Lanka): emergency services,
     emergency homes and shelters for orphans in various regions.
 2. Sevalaya, Thiruthuparaipoondi in Tamil Nadu (India): emergency
     aid in various villages.
 3. Working Women's Forum, Chennai (India): assistance to fishermen's
     wives and their families on the coast in the Chennai region and
     the Adiramapattinam district.
 4. Arthacharya Foundation, Mt Lavinia (Sri Lanka): sleeping mats,
     kitchen utensils and toiletries in various villages.
 5. Yasiru Mirco Insurance (Sri Lanka): reconstruction in Moneragala
     and Ampara/Kottuvil.
 6. Al-Ameen Community Development (India): water, food and shelter
     in Ampara and Kamunai.
 7. Dhan Foundation (India): emergency aid in the coastal region
     extending from Tuticorin to Vizag.
 8. PPKGO, coffee co-operative in Aceh (Indonesia): emergency aid to
     affected families and aid for reconstructing the coffee
     processing/export infrastructure.

 The Rabobank Foundation works in partnership with Interpolis for the
 projects with Yasiru and the Dhan Foundation (both micro-insurance
 programmes). http://hugin.info/133178/R/975600/143483.pdf

Paul van den Berg
Press Information Office 
Rabobank Nederland 
030 - 216 28 32 / 06 - 22 45 60 73
