StockPickReport: Stock Commentary for Cisco, Sprint FON, Exxon Mobil, and Johnson & Johnson from StockPickReport

SHREVEPORT, La., Feb. 17, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- StockPickReport.Com (IARD #119079, -- the web's only non-mainstream stock rating service), rates Cisco Systems, Sprint FON Group, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Johnson & Johnson.


Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO) -- BUY

Sprint FON Group (NYSE:FON) -- SELL

Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) -- WEAK BUY

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) -- SELL

                       Thursday, February 17, 2005
                       StockPickReport Commentary

Ethics and The Market

There are days when you will win. Followed, many times, by days you will lose. Some days you don't even want to get out of bed. Other days you don't want to go to sleep.

Me? Well, I kinda like to win. I bet you do, too.

But, I don't like to cheat.

Don't get me wrong, there are times when cheating can get you what you want. Don't think so? Cheating is sometimes good, too.

Don't believe it?

Here's one way you can cheat and it's not bad: If you had a child with a peanut allergy and that child was having an allergic reaction, you would certainly drive over the speed limit -- if safety permitted -- to get them to the emergency room.

You would be "cheating" with regard to the speeding limit. But, your actions would not be seen as "bad" by most observers.

Here's the upshot, though: You could still get a ticket. You would still deserve a ticket. The law should give you a ticket.

That's because, "justice is blind." It must be. The reason you broke the law (read: cheated) should not weigh in the decision to give you a ticket.

I use the word "should", but we all know that you probably would be given a "pass" by any cop on the street.

At the end of the day, I am satisfied of one thing. No, not that I "did my best" as a stock-picker -- sometimes I don't do my best. Not that I'm the smartest or the nicest or the handsomest.

I'm happy that I can look at my kids and explain everything I did during the day without excuses, denials, or lies.

Sadly, though, that's not how all of "mainstream wallstreet" operates.

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For More Commentary Go Here:

All commentary written by Don Harrold, Senior Analyst.


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If the links to our ratings above do not work, please use these:

Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO) -- BUY

Sprint FON Group (NYSE:FON) -- SELL

Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) -- WEAK BUY

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) -- SELL

