PA Chamber Pledges Support for Keystone Manufacturing Initiative

HARRISBURG, Pa., April 11, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry today joined with pro-business lawmakers and other business leaders in a show of support for the Keystone Manufacturing Initiative, a package of bills designed to improve Pennsylvania's business climate.

"Pennsylvania must enact real reforms to its business tax structure, health-care system, legal system and labor laws in order to jump-start economic growth and job creation," said Kirk Liddell, president and CEO of Irex Corporation and first vice chairman of the PA Chamber's Board of Directors. "These pro-business initiatives represent forward progress in helping to re-establish Pennsylvania as a serious competitor for jobs and job opportunities."

Liddell said the Keystone Manufacturing Initiative has the same goals as those embodied in the Chamber's four-point Agenda for Jobs. The Chamber's plan to grow jobs from Pennsylvania's job creators was unveiled in early February.

"Much like the Chamber's Agenda for Jobs, the Keystone Manufacturing Initiative addresses inequities in our business climate that have hindered the ability of Pennsylvania employers to create and maintain jobs, including antiquated and burdensome tax laws; rising health-care costs; labor laws that present significant obstacles to job creation when compared to other states; and high legal costs paid by employers that stunt economic growth," he said.

"Pennsylvania needs bold laws to reverse our economic fortunes," Liddell continued. "Working with legislative leaders and continuing our partnership with other business organizations, the Pennsylvania Chamber will work to ensure the enactment of proposals highlighted by the Keystone Manufacturing Initiative."

The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is the state's largest broad-based business association and the fastest growing state chamber in the United States, with more than 9,000 members covering all 67 counties. More information is available on the Chamber's website at

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