PA Chamber: DEP's Mercury Regulation Comes With Great Cost, No Benefit

HARRISBURG, Pa., Feb. 24, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry said the state's plan to go above and beyond stringent federal mercury emissions standards threatens energy costs and jobs, while providing no additional health benefit for residents.

"Pennsylvania can ill afford adding to the cost burden of our business base when no commensurate health benefit for Pennsylvania residents can be demonstrated," said Gene Barr, PA Chamber Vice President of Political and Regulatory Affairs.

Barr said a federal law enacted last year will result in an 86 percent reduction in power plant mercury emissions in Pennsylvania when fully implemented. The regulation places tougher reduction requirements on the Commonwealth than the rest of the nation.

"Adequate regulation of power plant emissions is already in place at the federal level, which will result in significant mercury reductions in Pennsylvania," Barr said.

Barr said a state-specific approach will likely lead to higher energy costs and job losses within the coal and electric utility industry, which is why a broad range of interests, including power producers, consumers and labor unions, oppose DEP's proposed regulation.

"Pennsylvania's energy producers now compete on the open market. Any proposal that makes our electricity more expensive than other states threatens our competitiveness," he stressed. "The costs are too great, especially when even the Department of Environmental Protection cannot provide any answers about the health benefit of going from the existing federal regulation to its proposal."

Barr said because neither air nor water respect state borders, a nationwide approach makes the most sense and is supported by the business community.

The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is the state's largest broad-based business association, with thousands of members statewide. More information is available on the Chamber's website at

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