WHAT SDG&E is helping its customers cope with higher energy costs as a result of record July temperatures. SDG&E and its employees are making available $250,000 for customer assistance. The funds are part of a broad-based SDG&E effort to help customers cope with high energy consumption during the second hottest July in the San Diego region in more than 100 years. SDG&E is also encouraging customers facing financial hardships to contact the company to work out payment arrangements. WHEN Media Availability, Monday, Aug. 7, 2006 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. WHO Michelle Mueller, vice president of customer services, SDG&E Pam Fair, vice president of customer operations, SDG&E. WHERE SDG&E Headquarters 8330 Century Park Court, Building Six, San Diego, 92123 Directions: Take Highway 163 North to Balboa West. Go through the first stoplight toward 8330 Century Park Court. Turn into the left parking lot. Building Six is on the left. CONTACT: Eddie Van Herik, SDG&E (877) 866-2066 (619) 884-3421 (cell)