Ad hoc: Komax Group: Business in the First Half of 2006

Sharp Rise in Sales and Profit -- Bright Forecast for the Year as a Whole

DIERIKON, Switzerland, Aug. 29, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Komax Group substantially improved sales and profit in the first six months of 2006. First-half net sales came in at CHF 150.3 million, a 25.5% increase on the corresponding period of the previous year. Group profit after tax (EAT) jumped 87.0% to CHF 14.1 million. Komax expects market activity to remain at a solid level in the second half.

In the first six months of 2006, the Komax Group posted consolidated net sales of CHF 150.3 million (H1 2005: CHF 119.7 million), a 25.5% advance on the prior-year figure. After stripping out acquisitions, the increase amounts to 17.3%. Komax lifted sales by 18% in Europe, by 41% in North America and by as much as 67% in Asia. On the basis of its development and production activities in Shanghai, Komax also expects to gain additional momentum in the Chinese market.

The company's earnings power was given an unexpectedly strong boost by the increase in sales. Operating profit (EBIT) soared 76.7% to CHF 17.7 million (H1 2005: CHF 10.0 million), representing an EBIT margin of 11.8% (H1 2005: 8.4%). Consolidated profit (EAT) improved by 87.0% to stand at CHF 14.1 million (H1 2005: 7.5 million), resulting in an EAT margin of 9.4% (H1 2005: 6.3%).

Markets and environment

At present, the market environment for wire-processing machines is extremely favourable, especially in the automotive sector. The increased use of electronics and electrics in motor vehicles is having a positive impact on business for Komax. Two other factors come into play: Many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are moving their production facilities to new areas in Eastern Europe, Latin America and China, thereby triggering new rounds of investment. They are also expanding their product portfolios, with the broader range of models subsequently leading to greater investment activity in the wire-processing segment.

The shift toward IDC (insulation displacement connection) technology in household equipment is advancing at a steady pace, again encouraging investment activity.

The medtech market is also performing in line with the high expectations. Thanks to the reorientation of its American production facility, Komax Systems Rockford, creating a focus on medtech business, the Group gained additional customers in the United States. Strong growth was also reported among inhaler production systems.

Equally gratifying trends can be noted on the photovoltaic market. The Xcell 2500 machine system generated particularly high sales for Komax. In addition, the Group delivered further types of machine used in the production of solar modules. For the year as a whole, Komax expects growth in this area to exceed 100%.


In the first half of 2006, Komax has created a sound base, putting it on track to achieve the bright growth forecast for the year as a whole. The Group expects market activity to remain high in the second half of the year. In mid-August, Komax entered into a joint venture with a Malaysian systems manufacturer. This collaboration boosts Komax's production capacity in the Asia region, thus strengthening its market position. In spite of the potential slowdown in the US economy, the Group expects a substantial improvement in its full-year result compared with 2005.

Key figures of the Komax Group

 Consolidated balance sheet             30.6.2006  31.12.2005   Change
                                        CHF 1,000   CHF 1,000        %
 Current assets                           163,607     147,107     11.2
 Fixed assets                             116,359     120,292     -3.3
 Total assets                             279,966     267,399      4.7
 Short-term liabilities                    65,440      68,240     -4.1
 Long-term liabilities                     27,321      27,418     -0.4
 Shareholders' equity                     187,205     171,741      9.0
 Total liabilities and shareholders'
  equity                                  279,966     267,399      4.7

 Consolidated income statement           1st half    1st half   Change
                                           2006        2005
                                        CHF 1,000   CHF 1,000        %
 Net sales                                150,273     119,711     25.5
 Gross profit                              87,483      68,912     26.9
 Operating profit (EBDIT)                  21,510      13,910     54.6
 Operating profit (EBIT)                   17,683      10,009     76.7
 Financial result                            -147        -888    -83.4
 Group profit after tax (EAT)              14,082       7,531     87.0

 Consolidated cash flow statement        1st half    1st half   Change
                                           2006        2005
                                        CHF 1,000   CHF 1,000        %
 Net cash from operating activities         2,151       4,912    -56.2
 Net cash from investing activities        -1,871     -26,575    -93.0
 Free cash flow                               280     -21,663    101.3
 Net cash from financing activities           699       3,298    -78.8
 Par value repayment(a)                         0           0
 Increase (+) / Decrease (-) in funds       1,282     -19,533    106.6

 Funds = cash and cash equivalents (including time deposits with a
 term of up to three months)

 (a) Par value repayments of CHF 2.00 in August 2005 and CHF 2.00 in
     July 2006.

 Key figures                                             2006     2005
 Net indebtedness (-) / Net
  assets (+) 30.6.2006 / 31.12.2005     CHF 1,000        -396   -3,452
 Gross profit 1st half in % of net
  sales                                         %        58.2     57.6
 Cash flow (EBDIT) 1st half in % of
  net sales                                     %        14.3     11.6
 Operating profit (EBIT) 1st half in
  % of net sales                                %        11.8      8.4
 Group profit (EAT) 1st half in % of
  net sales                                     %         9.4      6.3
 Headcount as of 30.6.2006 / 31.12.2005    Number         939      886

The complete financial statements for the first half 2006 can be downloaded from the Internet at or ordered by phone.

The Media Release including tables can be downloaded from the following link: First half of 2006 (PDF)

