Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC Leader Speaks Out on $2.5 Million Political Contribution From John O'Quinn

AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 18, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Following today's news reports that personal injury trial lawyer John O'Quinn has made a $2.5 million contribution to a gubernatorial candidate, TLR Chairman and CEO Dick Weekley issued the following statement.

"It will come as no surprise that trial lawyer John O'Quinn is funding a campaign against Governor Perry. Rick Perry's leadership on tort reform has moved Texas from having one of the worst civil justice systems in the country to a state in which fair and balanced courts allow all Texans to receive an honest trial on their disputes. This spring, an analysis by the Pacific Research Institute recognized Texas for having the best civil justice system in America. Statutory reforms enacted in the Perry Administration have boosted Texas' booming economy in which innovation is the rule, jobs are being created, and businesses are expanding.

"John O'Quinn wants to roll back our civil justice system to the days when Texas was known as the "Wild West of Litigation" and highlighted on 60 Minutes as having "Justice for Sale."

"O'Quinn's motive in backing Gov. Perry's opponent couldn't be clearer. He is known for suing doctors and other health care providers in our state and was a vigorous opponent of the medical liability reforms of 2003 -- reforms that have resulted in thousands of new doctors opening practices in Texas in the last three years, including in the much needed specialties of neurosurgery, orthopedics, obstetrics and emergency room practice. Gov. Perry's leadership on tort reform was critical in averting a health care crisis."

Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC is the political arm of Texans for Lawsuit Reform, the state's largest civil justice reform organization. TLR is a bipartisan, volunteer-led coalition with more than 15,000 supporters residing in more than 757 Texas communities and representing 1,253 different businesses, professions and trades. TLR PAC has endorsed Rick Perry for Governor.

The Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC logo is available at http://www.primezone.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=2960

