Medis Technologies Releases Letter to Shareholders Previewing 2007

NEW YORK, NY -- (MARKET WIRE) -- January 3, 2007 --Medis Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: MDTL) today released a letter to the Company's shareholders from Chairman and CEO, Robert K. Lifton, previewing the Company's plans for 2007. The letter is included in its entirety below:

Dear Fellow Shareholder,

With the start of the New Year, it seems an appropriate time to look at our plans and share our goals for the coming period. In past year-end letters to you, I have reviewed the achievements of the prior year before discussing future programs. But at this point in our corporate life our position is much different. We have made the very difficult and important transition from the process of developing a product to completing development of our 24/7 Power Pack product, receiving Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listing, creating the production capability to make the product in high volumes and making significant progress in sales and distribution of the product. To be sure, we should acknowledge the progress and multiple achievements of the past year, but let us use this opportunity to present our programs and milestones for the year ahead, with particular focus on sales and production of our Power Packs. At the end of the letter I will also address the status of our other energy developments and of Cell Kinetics.

Power Pack Sales -- the Enterprise Market

As you know, our Power Pack sales programs are aimed at two different markets. One is the enterprise market -- those companies who equip their employees with mobile devices carrying advanced software, like Microsoft's Windows Mobile or Symbion, that affords them computer capabilities on their devices, including exchanging information with their office computers and operating their e-mail. We believe that our Power Pack has broad appeal to this market by supplying the increased power that allows the use of these devices for longer periods and more conveniently, thereby increasing the productivity which the companies are seeking. Moreover, in the environment of business to business sales for this market, with much lower distributor mark-ups, and tax deductibility, the net cost of the Power Pack will result in a very strong value proposition. Importantly, we are told that there is no other satisfactory solution in the form of chargers or other power sources for powering many of the devices used in this market.

This is a market that is growing very rapidly. As recently reported by IDC, it is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 23% from $1.2 billion in 2006 to $3.5 billion in 2010. Already, Symbion claims to have some 60 million users and Microsoft is planning to have some 100 million users by the end of this year. We have also been told to expect a high attachment rate in this market -- that is the percentage of device users who would buy the 24/7 Power Pack and expect multiple use of Power Packs by each employee.

We have already made significant inroads in that market through existing distributor relationships with companies that serve the enterprise market such as Quasar Business Solutions, which is a Microsoft "Gold Certified Partner" distributing Microsoft Windows Mobile, and Northwest Charging Systems, which provides power solutions to companies in those markets. These distributors, through their sales teams, are already connecting with customers worldwide and we expect their demand to far exceed their initial orders as they make sales of Power Packs and those sales result in follow up repeat purchases. In addition, we are looking to expand our relations in the enterprise market by selling to mobile operators as we anticipate that they will arrange sales to their enterprise customers, which also enhance their own revenues. We are also looking to enter into relations with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) who sell advanced devices to enterprise market companies.

Another aspect of this market is the WiFi or WiMax markets, where companies can save considerably on their phone bills by using dual mode phones that search for and access cell towers or voice over internet protocol (VOIP), depending on which is most convenient. Because of their constant searching, those dual mode phones have very limited battery life and using the Power Pack in an always ready holster can provide an attractive solution to their power needs.

We have publicly expressed our expectations of large scale sales in this enterprise market and now that we are able to demonstrate that we have met the stringent test for UL certification we would look for such orders. We believe that the Consumer Electronic Show (CES), which runs in Las Vegas from January 8th to 11th, will provide the opportunity to meet some of our targeted customers and move the order process forward on a fast track.

The Retail Markets

Every day brings more evidence of the development and sale of consumer devices with increasing capabilities which require more power to fully use and enjoy. The advent of cell phones with music, video content and other capabilities, as well as the beginning of advertising on the cell phones, are examples of this wider use. Existing batteries cannot keep up with the expanded power needs. Particularly, since the massive battery recalls, it does not appear that battery capabilities will be expanded in the foreseeable future. At the same time, chargers using even the most advanced lithium batteries are capable of very limited increase in use time -- the best of them claiming only a little over three hours. As a result, we and our distributors believe there is a large demand for our Power Pack capable of providing from twenty to thirty hours of added use time, depending on the device. And, of course, we expect that once the consumer has a good experience with the initial purchase he or she will make multiple purchases.

We already have substantial orders for the consumer market, such as the order for 200,000 Power Packs per month from our distributor, ASE International, and with the responses we have already received from the announcement of UL certification it is clear that we have the opportunity to place the Power Pack in a broad array of retail outlets, worldwide, including mobile operators' cell phone stores.

The timing of this retail program requires thoughtful handling. Our distributors and customers have advised us that once they start selling the Power Packs, especially if they sell through as quickly as we expect, they must have sufficient supply readily available to refill their inventories. Based on our sales expectations, the capability of our semi-automated line of up to 30,000 Power Packs a month will not be sufficient assurance of adequate back up supply. Our plan to assure sufficient product flow is to ramp up for retail sales by accumulating inventory from our semi-automated line for the next few months and time the start of retail sales so that our automated line will be in operation in time to support the expected market demand for refilling inventories.

The Military and Homeland Security Markets

In parallel with the development of the enterprise and retail markets, we are working with General Dynamics to develop military markets for the Power Pack as well as markets with Homeland Security. Sales to these markets will be subject to the same considerations as the retail market.

Selling Strategies

One final point about our sales strategy warrants mention. We are accessing the different markets described above in so many parts of the world with only a very few marketing personnel of our own and minimal selling costs. We are able to do this through our distribution system because we are offering a unique product that only we can make in a pricing structure that allows the distributor to make an attractive profit. Already, at this point in time, our distributors have about two hundred sales personnel and sales representatives available to sell our Power Packs and we expect these numbers to increase substantially as we add more distribution.


The fully automated line capable of producing up to 1.5 million Power Packs per month is now being validated in Ismeca's plant in Switzerland by teams from Ismeca and Celestica together with our own team. As validation is completed, the line will be dismantled and sent to Celestica's plant in Galway, Ireland where it will be reassembled and begin the process of being put into production. At the same time, we plan that our fuel facility and our electrode assembly facility in Ireland will become operable. Our plan is to start building production from that automated line in Ireland during the second quarter and reach the capability of full production during the third quarter.

Additional Production Lines

As we have said before, as soon as we are satisfied that the first fully automated line will be sold out, we will begin the process of building additional line(s). We have already developed a cost program with our various suppliers for additional lines which will be substantially less than the cost of the first line, particularly since we have already paid for fuel production and electrode framing and other facilities which will be used for additional lines.

Other Sales -- Production Programs -- Russia

Progress has been made in our program for sales and ultimately production of the Power Pack in Russia. Based on their market testing, the Russian companies we are dealing with have recently advised us of their desire to build a semi-automated line to produce Power Packs as a prelude to developing a fully automated line in Russia to service that market. Contracts are now being prepared to carry out that program.

More Powerful Products for Laptops, Home and Military Use

During this past year, we announced plans to create more powerful second generation fuel cell products based on the core platform technology reflected in the Power Pack product. These new products are designed to be refuelable using fuel cartridges. One such program involves an 800 watt power source being developed with funding from Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) for Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs). Funding has begun on that project and our technical team is moving forward to develop a program for IAI, upon which IAI will decide whether to go forward with development. With respect to development of power sources for laptops and one to two kilowatt power for homes and offices, we have met with companies interested in each of those projects to show them our program and are waiting for responses that would provide funding and business support, reflecting their serious commitment to the project to encourage us to move forward.

Financial Condition

Our company has never been as financially strong as it is today. As of the end of 2006 we expect our cash, cash equivalents and short term investments to total over $80 million, reflecting our successful sale of $57.5 million of Series A 7.25% Convertible, Perpetual Preferred Stock and including over $8 million received from our Deputy Chairman and COO, Howard Weingrow and from me as a result of our exercise of stock options. We also have no long-term debt. We believe these funds are sufficient to carry out our plans and bring us to the point of cash flow so that we would require no further external investments.

CellScan and Cell Kinetics

After a number of months of studying the available opportunities for Cell Kinetics, including meetings with major scientists in US and Israeli institutions, its CEO Dr. Asaf Ben-Arye has recommended that Cell Kinetics focus its initial efforts on the manufacture and sale of grids that can be used, not only in the CellScan but also by other instruments presently in laboratories. This will expand the potential market for our grids, which offer unique capabilities particularly with respect to the study and stimulation of rare cells like those that appear in cancer stem cells. Dr. Ben-Arye also has plans to expand the activities of Cell Kinetics in related areas dealing with cancer testing and drug development. We continue our plans to separate Cell Kinetics through a program which can be attractive to our shareholders and have now completed the necessary corporate and tax planning that was required under American and Israeli law. We hope to present such a program to our shareholders in the coming months.

As you can see we have an exciting and demanding year ahead of us -- one in which performance can bring substantial rewards to our shareholders as well as our employees and suppliers.

On behalf of all of us at Medis Technologies, please accept our best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.


Robert K. Lifton
Chairman & CEO
Medis Technologies' primary focus is on direct liquid fuel cell technology. Its business strategy is to sell its products to end users through retail outlets, service providers and to the military and other markets. Medis has also developed the CellScan with many potential applications relating to disease diagnostics and chemo sensitivity. Additionally, Medis' product pipeline includes other technologies, in varying stages of development.

This press release may contain forward-looking statements, which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases you can identify those so-called "forward-looking statements" by words such as "may," "will," "should," "expects," "plans," "targets," "believes," "anticipates," "estimates," "predicts," "potential," or "continue" or the negative of those words and other comparable words. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, product tests, commercialization risks, availability of financing and results of financing efforts that could cause actual results to differ materially from historical results or those anticipated. Further information regarding these and other risks is described from time to time in the Company's filings with the SEC. We assume no obligation to update or alter our forward-looking statements made in this release or in any periodic report filed by us under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or any other document, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as otherwise required by applicable federal securities laws.

This press release is available on Medis' web site at

Contact Information: CONTACT: Medis Technologies Ltd. Robert K. Lifton Chairman & CEO (212) 935-8484 OR INVESTOR RELATIONS COUNSEL: The Equity Group Inc. Adam Prior (212) 836-9606 Devin Sullivan (212) 836-9608