Catch Up With Global Water Technologies, Inc. On Podcast

GOLDEN, Colo., Jan. 16, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- If you missed MN1's interview with George Kast, CEO, of Global Water Technologies, Inc. (Pink Sheets:GWTR), Jan. 12, 2006, at 11:30AM CST., where he discussed the recent findings with their agricultural water treatment business, you can still catch it by downloading the podcast on

Global Water Technologies Inc. is a water treatment and services company. Through its subsidiaries, Electric H2O Inc. and Watergy Produced Water Solutions, Inc., the company utilizes its proprietary technologies and services programs to increase operating efficiencies and reduce water usage through comprehensive water management solutions.

Global water says it has an established client base of over 500 customers in more than 25 countries worldwide with cumulative revenues in excess of $350 million. The company says its products treat over 10 billion gallons of water per day.

According to records from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, at least 14 different areas in the U.S. are reporting drought conditions. Statistics from the reveal that agriculture is a major user of ground and surface water in the United States, which accounts for 80 percent of the nation's water use and more than 90 percent in most western states.

During the interview, Kast mentions the completion of the testing of a new agricultural water treatment system through its subsidiary, Electric H2O, or EH20.

"We are pleased to report that our technology met or exceeded its performance objectives for agricultural water enhancement," said Kast. "The treatment process conditioned the water for better absorption by the plants and soil, as well as minimized scaling for greater irrigation efficiency. EH2O plans to build on this success through further agricultural sales in 2007."

Again, for the full interview please log on to and click on the Downloads and Podcast icon for the complete discussion, or click on to .


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