CashGuard AB: Year-end report 2006Slightly more than 50 percent growth and positive earnings FOURTH QUARTER 2006 Net sales increased to MSEK 111.5 (71.8) The operating profit improved to MSEK 11.7 (1.1) The after-tax result improved to MSEK 8.4 (0.3) Earnings per share increased to SEK 0.08 (0.00) Order for pilot installation was signed with IKEA First in Sweden with certified note maculation ink FULL YEARNet sales increased to MSEK 322.6 (214.3) Operating profit improved to MSEK 12.9 (loss: 75.8) After-tax result improved to profit of MSEK 5.8 (loss: 55.9) Earnings per share increased to SEK 0.06 (loss: 0.69) The report can be downloaded from the following link:Attachment: Year-end report 2006Text version / Internet version / Print / Close
CashGuard AB: Year-end report 2006
| Source: Cash Guard AB