Optimizing Formulation and Production of Pharmaceuticals and Nanomaterials -- An Interview With MFIC's CEO Live On MN1.com

NEWTON, Mass., Feb. 8, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Irwin Gruverman, Chairman and CEO of MFIC Corporation (OTCBB:MFIC), will be featured live on Market News First (www.mn1.com) for an exclusive interview with MN1's Steve Kanaval. The interview is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 12, 2007, at 12:30pm EDT.

During the interview, Gruverman will be discussing the company's latest announcement of MFIC Corporation's record unaudited fourth quarter and fiscal 2006 revenues, trends for fiscal 2007 and a glimpse into the future of high-shear process intensification technology from MFIC Corporation.

Join Irwin Gruverman to learn more about the goals of the company, as well as the exciting value proposition presented by MFIC stock.

About MFIC Corporation

MFIC Corporation, through its Microfluidics subsidiary, provides patented and proprietary high performance Microfluidizer(r) materials processing equipment to the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, chemical, cosmetics/personal care, and food industries. The equipment enables the manufacture and formulation of numerous nanomaterials and nanoscale products. MFIC applies its 20 years of high pressure processing experience to produce the most uniform and smallest liquid and suspended solid structures available, and has provided manufacturing systems for more than 15 years.

The Company is a leader in advanced materials processing equipment for laboratory, pilot scale and manufacturing applications, offering innovative technology and comprehensive solutions for nanoparticles and other materials processing and production. More than 3,000 systems are in use and afford significant competitive and economic advantages to MFIC equipment customers. Systems are cGMP compliant and many are used in routine production of diverse pharmaceutical formulations. For more information please visit http://www.microfluidicscorp.com/.

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