Marketing Sherpa Names iPressroom's 'On the Record...Online' Best Business-to-Business Marketing Podcast for 2007

LOS ANGELES, March 29, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Out of over 250 entries, MarketingSherpa has awarded their top honors, the coveted Gold B-to-B award, to "On the Record...Online," the popular online pr, new media marketing, and business-to-business marketing podcast that features one-on-one interviews with journalists from the mainstream media discussing how emerging technologies are changing the way organizations communicate, and the way people consume media and information. Winners were announced at Marketing Sherpa's 2007 Gala Awards party held on March 5 at Bongos Cuban Cafe, in Miami, Florida.

"If you're in marketing or PR, it has become an occupational hazard to leave your online image to the web guys down the hall," says Eric Schwartzman of iPressroom Corporation. "Through interviews with new media and marketing masters, 'On the Record...Online' gives listeners the strategic and practical knowledge they need to take an active role in how their organizations engage in online conversations."

OTRO has been downloaded nearly 200,000 times. These are some of the most popular episodes:

 * Walt Mossberg -- technology columnist at The Wall Street Journal and
   "The most powerful arbiter of consumer tastes in the computer world
   today" according to Newsweek -- on his expectations of corporate
   Online newsrooms, the impact of the web on the business of
   journalism, and what he dislikes about corporate web sites.
 * Ken Auletta -- media business columnist at The New Yorker -- on the
   declining newspaper readership and the public's loss of trust for
   the mainstream news media.
 * Harold Burson -- founder of Burson-Marsteller PR firm and "The
   century's most influential PR figure" according to a survey
   conducted by PRWeek -- on the future of the PR industry.
 * David Pogue -- personal technology columnist at The New York Times
   -- on the future of podcasting and how he decides what makes news.
 * Ali Velshi -- CNN Business news anchor -- on the impact of citizen
   journalism on the mainstream media and receiving pitches from PR
 * Dean Takahashi -- San Jose Mercury news staff writer -- on the
   growth and future of the video game business.
 * Al Golin -- chairman of PR firm Golin Harris -- offers words of
   advice to those entering, and those already established in the PR
 * Marcus Chan -- podcast editor at the San Francisco Chronicle -- on
   the newspaper's new media initiative and podcasting strategy.
 * Jakob Nielsen -- web usability guru -- on the role 
   internet press rooms play in shaping corporate reputation.
 * Rob Barrett -- interactive general manager at the LA Times -- on
   whether or not Google News is in breach of copyright violation for
   content siphoning.
 * Anne Thompson -- former deputy film editor at
   The Hollywood Reporter -- on how online buzz influences the Academy 

"On the Record...Online" is created, executive produced and hosted by Eric Schwartzman, founder and chairman of iPressroom Corporation and managing director of Los Angeles PR firm, Schwartzman & Associates. The podcast's associate producers are Jennifer Dekel and Scott Hansen, and audio engineers are Michael Butler of "The Rock and Roll Geek Show" podcast and Tim Coyne of the "Hollywood Podcast."

iPressroom specializes in helping organizations integrate the web into conventional business-to-business marketing, consumer marketing, and public relations campaigns through blogs, podcasts, microsites, RSS feeds, search engine optimization, search engine visibility, online video, email and other emerging social media platforms. iPressroom's Visible Media Platform(tm) helps organizations extend the reach of their pr and marketing campaigns using the latest new media tools and services integrated into one powerful online dashboard. For more information visit: .

"On the Record...Online" is available at or through Google, Yahoo, iTunes, Podcast Alley and most other podcast directories.

To see MarketingSherpa's judges' notes, creative samples, and the marketing strategy used for "On the Record...Online" visit MarketingSherpa's Email Marketing Awards Winners Gallery at:

About iPressroom

iPressroom ( helps companies, institutions and organizations extend the reach of their pr and marketing campaigns using the latest new media tools and services integrated into one powerful online dashboard. Designed by marketing and public relations pros with decades of experience delivering on the needs of journalists on deadline, iPressroom provides practical tools and expert guidance for managing measurable online marketing communications campaigns that drive revenue by converting interest into sales leads. iPressroom provides services to Fortune 500 companies such as CarMax, large PR agencies such as Interpublic-owned BNC (Bragman, Nyman and Cafarelli), as well as non-profit organizations, including the Northwest Area Foundation.

The iPressroom Corporation logo is available at

About Schwartzman & Associates, Inc.

Schwartzman & Associates ( is a boutique agency that specializes in developing thoroughly researched, mediagenic initiatives that strategically reinforce existing corporate marketing plans. The agency works with corporate clients to build visibility and credibility through media relations, special events, industry events, reputation management and innovative online communications programs, including blogs, podcasts and RSS news feeds. By incorporating emerging technology such as online newsrooms and podcasts into a public relations campaign, Schwartzman & Associates stays ahead of the traditional media relations game while at the same time exposing clients directly to key audiences via the Net.

About MarketingSherpa Inc.

MarketingSherpa is a research firm publishing Case Studies, Benchmark Guides, and How-to Instructional materials for marketing professionals. 237,000 marketers read MarketingSherpa's newsletters, Guides and Web site every week.

MarketingSherpa also holds three annual real-world Summits: Email Marketing Summit & Expo March 4-6th in Miami FL, Selling Subscriptions to Internet Content in New York every May, and B-to-B Demand Generation Summit in Boston and San Francisco every October.

Praised by The Economist, Harvard Business School's Working Knowledge Site and, the company is now celebrating its 7th anniversary. For more information, visit or call (877) 895-1717.


