, new deputy chairman

Change in the Bank's management 

At ordinary meeting of the bank's shareholders' committee held on 26th April
2007 it has been decided by the bank's shareholders' committee that a new
member to the bank's board of directors as replacement for Tage Thomsen, who
has decided to resign from the banks' board of directors and shareholders'
committee, will not be elected. The board of directors hereafter consists of 4
members elected by the shareholders' committee. 

The board of directors hereafter constituted itself in this way.  

Hereafter the Board of directors consists of following members:

Director Poul Hjulmand, Lem, chairman of the board 
Carl Olav Birk Jensen, department manager, Ringkøbing, deputy chairman
Jens Fjordside, farmer, Ølstrup 
Hans-Ole Jessen, engineer, Skjern
Henning Jensen, chief clerk, Skjern, elected by the employees
Gert Aagaard, credit manager, Ringkøbing, elected by the employees

Yours faithfully
Ringkjøbing Bank

Preben Knudsgaard   Kaj Damgaard