WorldWater & Solar Technologies to Feature `Eco Raft' at Pacific Economic Summit in Vancouver

Led by Brett Rogers and Crew of Naturalists, Raft will Travel 500 Miles Down Yukon River with Solar for Power and Water Purification

  Co-sponsored by Waterkeeper Alliance to Highlight Climate Change Dangers

PENNINGTON, N.J., May 30, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (OTCBB:WWAT) (formerly WorldWater & Power Corp.), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, today announced that it will display the "Eco Raft" in Vancouver, Canada, at the Pacific Economic Summit on May 31. The raft will be seen at the California State Delegation Exhibit and will utilize WorldWater's solar power and water purification for the "Eco Raft -- Ideas for a Sustainable Future" that will make a six-week, 500-mile trip down the Yukon River starting in mid-June.

Eco Raft was conceived to raise public awareness about critical issues surrounding a sustainable future -- clean air, clean water and sustainable harvesting of natural resources. The raft, built with timber destroyed by forest fires and other natural events will manned by a crew of naturalists led by Brett Rogers. The Waterkeeper Alliance of Canada, allied with Waterkeeper Alliance led by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is co-sponsoring the raft trip.

The Waterkeeper Alliance has more than 125 member organizations worldwide focused on maintaining our ability to safely swim, drink, and fish in local waterways as hallmarks of clean water. Waterkeepers patrol local water bodies to address community concerns, identify threats to clean water, and make use of the legal and democratic processes designed to protect water quality.

About WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp.:

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corporation is a full-service, international solar electric engineering and water management company with unique, high-powered and patented solar technology that provides solutions to a broad spectrum of the world's electricity and water supply problems. For more information about WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp., visit the website at

