NCGA Supports Reid/Bingaman Energy Bill

Bill Would Authorize 15 Billion Gallons of Corn Ethanol by 2022

ST. LOUIS, June 12, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) today announced its support for S. 1419, the Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection and Energy Efficiency Act of 2007. The comprehensive energy legislation takes important steps toward diversifying the nation's energy portfolio and growing the biofuels industry, said Ken McCauley, NCGA president.

McCauley said NCGA is strongly encouraging senators to support the bill in its current form and to strongly oppose amendments that seek to limit the potential of grain-based ethanol or put undue restrictions on production agriculture. The bill includes a 36 billion gallon renewable fuels standard by 2022, of which 15 billion gallons must come from corn ethanol. The remainder must come from cellulosic sources such as corn stover and fiber.

"This legislation blazes a trail toward more robust, more diverse, and more affordable domestic energy supplies," McCauley said. "And it does so in a manner that is environmentally and economically responsible."

McCauley said corn growers are confident they can produce 15 billion bushels of corn by 2015, which would allow the production of 15-billion gallons of corn-based ethanol without affecting other corn markets. A wide variety of feedstocks will be needed to satisfy the bill's long-term biofuels goals, he said, and corn growers are supportive of developing viable markets for cellulosic feedstocks.

In addition to the RFS component, the legislation also authorizes an ethanol pipeline feasibility study, flex fuel vehicle optimization research, higher ethanol blend level studies, cellulosic feedstock pilot programs, as well as loan guarantees and grants for renewable energy producers.

The Senate energy bill, also known as the Reid/Bingaman bill, combines the text of bills reported out of four committees: Energy and Natural Resources; Environment and Public Works; Foreign Relations; and Commerce, Science and Transportation. Important for corn growers is the inclusion in the bill of S.987, the Biofuels for Energy Security and Transportation Act of 2007.

The National Corn Growers Association's mission is to create and increase opportunities for corn growers. NCGA represents more than 32,000 members and 47 affiliated state organizations and hundreds of thousands of growers who contribute to state checkoff programs. For more information on NCGA, log on to

