Call for Unified Community Support, Urgent Health Care Workforce Needs Facing South Los Angeles to be Discussed At The Charles Drew University 'State of the University' Event by President Dr. Susan Kelly


 WHAT:   A comprehensive and challenging "State of the University"
         presentation by Dr. Susan Kelly, President of The Charles
         R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, will focus on
         the University's bold agenda to address urgent health care
         workforce needs facing South Los Angeles and other parts
         of California. She will also discuss ways of improving access
         to health care for underserved populations. Dr. Kelly will
         also describe the current situation facing the University
         that took root after the Watts Rebellion of 1965 and will
         outline a broad agenda for taking the University forward to
         fulfill its mission of providing quality patient care and a
         pipeline of excellent health professionals -- particularly
         minorities who commit to serving economically disadvantaged
         communities throughout the country.

         Supported by the Watts Labor Community Action Committee,
         the Latino Leadership Roundtable, and the Southern
         Christian Leadership Conference.

         Spanish translation to be provided.

 WHO:    Dr. Susan Kelly, President and CEO of The Charles Drew
         University will present.

 WHEN:   Thursday, June 21, 2007, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

 WHERE:  The campus of The Charles Drew University, 1731 East 120th
         Street, Los Angeles, California 90059. Parking on 120th
         Street, off of Wilmington Avenue, two blocks from the 105
         Freeway exit.

         Directions from Los Angeles: Take the 110 or 405 Freeway
         south, to the 105 Freeway east (toward Norwalk). Exit
         Wilmington Avenue, turn right to 120th Street, and turn
         right to parking.

 About The Charles Drew University:

         A private non-profit educational institution in the
         Watts-Willowbrook area of South Los Angeles, The Charles R.
         Drew University of Medicine and Science has provided
         quality college, graduate and post-graduate education and
         training to thousands of qualified minority and other
         students for more than 35 years. As part of its mission,
         the University has also provided urgently needed
         health care services to chronically underserved residents of
         the poorest communities in Los Angeles County, serving the
         1.7 million citizens in its 94-square-mile service area.
         If this service area were a municipality, it would be the
         fifth largest city in the U.S.

         The University is widely regarded as an innovative medical
         education university pioneering in teaching doctors and
         health care professionals, and in conducting quality
         research, to deal with the special needs of the poor,
         chronically ill populations in the inner city. By expanding
         relationships with local medical school, research
         institutions and community-based organizations, the
         University is focused on eliminating health care disparities
         by providing access to and delivery of health care services
         to underserved populations. The University has been
         remarkably successful in achieving its primary goal of
         producing physicians and other health care professionals who
         return to the community to serve people who are uninsured
         or underinsured.

         The Charles Drew University's unique environment of
         providing medical education while serving the County's
         most impoverished citizens has been lauded as a paradigm
         for significantly increasing medical students' commitment
         to practice medicine in underserved areas. Research shows
         that 10 years after graduation, 70% of Charles Drew
         University trained physicians are still working with
         underserved populations.

         Further information about The Charles Drew University may
         be found on its website at

