ContextWeb ADSDAQ Exchange Rides Bullish Online Advertising Market

ADSDAQ Ad Exchange Grows to Record 65.1 Million Unique Visitors in June; Launches Self-Serve Beta Interface for Long Tail Publishers

NEW YORK, July 16, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- In less than a year, ContextWeb's ADSDAQ(tm) advertising exchange,, has increased its reach and unique impressions by more than 30 percent according to June 2007 trend data released by comScore. ADSDAQ's unique users jumped from a previous high of 54.5 million in May to a record level of 65.1 million unique users in June.

Using ContextWeb's patent-pending ContextAd(tm) technology, full-service advertisers, agencies and publishers are currently benefiting from the BidPrice(tm) and AskPrice(tm) model of the ADSDAQ exchange. A new self-service portal into ADSDAQ is currently in live beta and enables "Long Tail" publishers to name their own CPM (Cost Per Thousand) AskPrice. Later in the year, self-service advertisers will take their seat on the exchange.

"ADSDAQ's market growth is proof that there is real and growing demand for a premium inventory exchange," says Anand Subramanian, CEO of ContextWeb, Inc.

Advertisers agree. Jonathan Adams, VP Media, Modem Media, says, "The ADSDAQ exchange by ContextWeb allows us to reach new, unique consumers with page-level targeting."

The web publishing community is also embracing the value of ADSDAQ. Eric Strong, Sales Director, Weather Underground (, says the ADSDAQ pricing model "is a move in the right direction. There is a set AskPrice CPM for us, so we can project our expected revenue generated by working with ContextWeb's ADSDAQ exchange."

ADSDAQ's Unique Features

Proprietary Contextual Technology

ADSDAQ(tm) is powered by ContextAd(tm) technology. This allows instant creation of specific content "bundles" at a page level. These Contextual Tradable Units(tm) are unique to ADSDAQ, provide premium inventory and allow a free flow of trading for buyers and sellers.

Pricing Control

ADSDAQ provides pricing control -- BidPrice(tm) for the advertiser and AskPrice(tm) for the publisher -- to both parties for the first time.

Premium Inventory

ADSDAQ is an exchange for premium inventory (not remnant). Since the publishers will set their AskPrice, the ADSDAQ exchange is a "first stop" for inventory prior to a publisher's ad network alternatives. ContextAd(tm) page level targeting provides the control to advertisers to make exchange inventory "brand safe" and eliminate waste.

Open to Everyone

ADSDAQ will be open to all publishers and all advertisers, large and small; short tail and long tail.

Manavi Menon, SVP, Network Development & Marketing, World Now (, says, "ADSDAQ exchange's AskPrice CPM rate beats out the ad networks time after time."

ADSDAQ Data All-Time Highs

ADSDAQ's 65.1 million unique users equals a 37.4% increase since August, 2006, according to comScore trend data; reach has increased 33.4% since August, 2006 with more than 3.6 billion impressions recorded in June. ADSDAQ now reaches 36.4% of the U.S. Internet population -- up from the previous record of 30.7% in May.

About ContextWeb and ADSDAQ

ContextWeb, Inc. eliminates barriers in online advertising by creating and running ADSDAQ, a premium ad exchange. ADSDAQ is the only online advertising exchange to provide pricing control to both publishers and advertisers, making the open ad exchange the "first stop" for premium inventory.

ContextWeb was founded in 2000 and is based in New York. The Company's patent-pending ContextAd(tm) technology converts billions of publisher impressions into standardized Contextual Tradable Units(tm) (CTUs) by reading the content of each page in real-time. Advertisers can then purchase relevant impressions from more than 350 of ContextWeb's categories.

The ContextWeb, Inc. logo is available at

