FierceMarkets Launches New Telecom Publication

FierceTelecom to Provide Daily News to Wireline Telcos

WASHINGTON, Aug. 13, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- FierceMarkets ( today launched FierceTelecom (, a new online publication targeting telcos and other public network service providers.

The free daily email newsletter and corresponding Web site will cover the latest news, trends, and technologies driving the telecommunications industry, with a special focus on "what's next for telcos." FierceTelecom will feature exclusive insights, commentary, and special reports on IPTV, IMS, VoIP, carrier ethernet, optical networking, fixed-mobile convergence, and other pressing issues facing telcos today.

"The company already has a strong presence in the wireless side of the telecommunications industry," said FierceMarkets President Jeff Giesea. "With FierceTelecom, we are expanding our offerings to serve the historically wireline side of the industry -- the telcos and public network service providers at the center of convergence."

FierceTelecom will be edited by Dan O'Shea, former Editor-in-Chief of Telephony magazine and an industry veteran with more than 15 years covering the telecom marketplace.

"FierceTelecom is ideal for busy telco executives," said O'Shea. "It summarizes all of the must-know telecom news in a time-saving format, gives an extra layer of value-added insight, analysis, and commentary, and focuses on the topics and technologies critical to the future of Telcos and other public network service providers."

More than 4,000 telecom professionals have already signed up for FierceTelecom in anticipation of today's launch.

Readers may sign up for free at In addition to the latest news and analysis, the FierceTelecom Web site also features job boards, whitepaper listings, archives search, and easy access to other publications in the FierceMarkets telecom group, including its flagship publication, FierceWireless.

With the launch of FierceTelecom, FierceMarkets now offers 18 digital publications and has a total readership of more than 480,000.

About FierceMarkets

FierceMarkets, a leader in B2B e-media, provides information and marketing services in the Telecommunications, Life Sciences, Healthcare, IT, and Finance industries through its portfolio of email newsletters, Web sites, Webinars, and live events. Every business day, FierceMarkets publications reach more than 480,000 executives in over 100 countries. Current publications include DailyTechRag (, FierceBiotech (, FierceBioResearcher (, FierceBroadbandWireless (, FierceCIO (, FierceDeveloper (, FierceFinance (, FierceHealthcare (http:///, FierceHealthIT (, FierceIPTV (, FierceMobileContent (, FiercePharma (, FierceSarbox (, FierceTelecom (, FierceVoIP (, FierceBiotech (, and IT-Wireless (, and The Business VoIP Report (

