Of Lives Intertwined -- The Twist and Turns of Young Lives in Conflict Unfolds in William F. Browne's Dramatic First Novel

LONS EDDY, N.Y., Sept. 4, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- When the paths of two childhood friends take very different turns, and add into the plot family problems, racial issues, and the abortion debate, the result is William's F. Browne's In The Blood.

The story centers on three young men, two close friends in childhood -- one white, one black -- and another young man who remains an outsider. Isaac Smith and Darrell Jones find that as adults they are on opposite sides of the divisive issue of abortion. While family betrayal fractures the Smiths, the Jones family is haunted by an untimely death. Malachy Tongers is a gentle flower struggling to survive in a mud-pit of duplicity. But, both seduced and ostracized, he is forced to run away to New York. Tragedy awaits each of these young men; yet there are levels of satisfaction -- if not complete triumph -- that takes off the edge somewhat of worlds none of them have made.

A novel about values, trust, and betrayal, In The Blood is much more than the story of three men: It also depicts a struggle for ideals, about how all individuals must deal with the world that they are born into and the things they can and cannot control. Browne captures the powerful drama as each character struggles against the outside forces of society and circumstance -- and with each other. With remarkable plot twists and dialogue, it is truly a novel to be savored for its characterization and insight into the human situation.

About the Author

William F. Browne is a professor of English at Brooklyn College (CUNY). Dr. Browne has written Two Kinds of Courage - Frederick Douglass and John Brown : A Look at Their Relationship (1999 Black Book Award Winner (U.S. & U.S. CommSys)), Sassy, a novella, two books of short stories Jake Hands - 3 Plus 6 Other Stories and "Clipsed!" and Other not Crazy but Peculiar Stories, along with two volumes of poetry. His articles and book reviews have appeared in numerous publications, such as Fiction International, Dictionary of American Biography, The Gissing Newsletter, and FYI: Newsletter of the Coalition of Higher Education.

                In The Blood * by William F. Browne
                  Publication Date: May 18, 2007
       Trade Paperback; $21.99; 277 pages; 978-1-4257-3430-5
       Cloth Hardback; $31.99; 277 pages; 978-1-4257-3431-2

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