Draft resolutions of Extraordinary Shareholders meeting on October 11, 2007

Approved in the meeting of the Management Board of JSC „Rigas Raugs” 
                                                           on September 21, 2007

                               DRAFT RESOLUTIONS                                
                of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders                
      of joint stock company „Rigas Raugs” to be held on October 11, 2007,      
   including changes in the Articles of Association of JSC “Rigas Raugs” and    
     candidates for the members of Supervisory Board offered by shareholder     
                                „Jästbolaget AB”                                

Changes in the Articles of Association of the JSC “Rigas Raugs”                 

Point 5.2. of the Articles of Association of the JSC “Rigas Raugs”  to express  
in the following wording: “The Supervisory Board shall consist of 5 (five)      
Members of the Supervisory Board and shall be elected to their position for 3   
(three) years. Members of the Supervisory Board shall from their number elect   
the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and one Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory  

Point 5.4. of the Articles of Association of the JSC “Rigas Raugs” to express in
the following wording: “The Supervisory Board shall make its resolutions by the 
majority of the present voted, however at least 3 (three) votes shall be “for”. 

If state notary of the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia (an    
administrative institution of the Commercial Register) has made the decision to 
refuse the registration of the amendments of the Articles of Association of JSC 
“Rigas Raugs”, to authorise the Management Board of JSC “Rigas Raugs” with its  
resolution to eliminate reasons of the  refusal, which are mentioned in the     
decision of the state notary of the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of  
Latvia (an administrative institution of the Commercial Register).              

Election of the Supervisory Board of the JSC “Rigas Raugs”                      

Considering the applications of Juha Reino Ylä-Anttila, Pentti Juhani Yrjö      
Heinonen and Ilkka Juhani Kylmälä about leaving position of the members of the  
Supervisory Board, according to the Clause 296 Part Nine of the Commercial law, 
and on the basis of the changes in the Articles of Association of the JSC “Rigas
Raugs” made in Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on October 11,     
2007, to release from their positions members of the Supervisory Board of JSC   
“Rigas Raugs” Tommy Strømstad, Sven Anders Oscar Gunnarsson and Lars Johan      
Anders Olsson starting from October 11, 2007.                                   

To elect in the positions of the members of the Supervisory Board of JSC “Rigas 
Raugs” for the term three years, determining the beginning of the duties of the 
Supervisory Board as of the October 11, 2007:                                   

Tommy Strømstad       
Lars Johan Anders Olsson    
Sven Anders Oscar Gunnarsson 
Bror Ulf Österlund                            
Rasa Suslavičienė 

Chairperson of the Management Board				M. Suvorova					                         
Member of the Management Board				G. Teluško