Panostaja Oyj	    Stock Exchange Bulletin, 3rd October 2007 

OF SUOMEN HELASTO OYJ                                                           

1. Acquisition of operating companies                                           

The purchase price payable by Panostaja Oyj for Suomen Helasto Oyj's operating  
subsidiaries would total EUR 16.5 million. As part of the transaction, the      
subsidiaries being acquired would pay off all loans received from Suomen Helasto
Oyj. In addition, Panostaja Oyj would be responsible for due settlement of      
Suomen Helasto Oyj's remaining net debt, amounting to about EUR 0.9 million.    

2. Acquisition of the Tampereen Laatukoneistus Oy business                      

The purchase price payable for the business of Tampereen Laatukoneistus Oy would
amount to EUR 3.7 million.                                                      

Tampereen Laatukoneistus manufactures individually designed hydraulic cylinders 
for the shipbuilding, lifting, wood processing, mining, metals and              
transportation industries, among others. It has a strong position in Finland as 
a supplier of large hydraulic cylinders. The company's net turnover for the     
financial year to 30th April 2007 amounted to some EUR 6 million.               

The company's net turnover and operating profit for the financial years to 30th 
April 2007 and 30th April 2006 were as follows (FAS):                           

| (EUR 1,000)                |                        |                        |
|                            |  01/05/2006-30/04/2007 |  01/05/2005-30/04/2006 |
| Net turnover               |                  5,804 |                  5,559 |
| Operating profit           |                    719 |                    750 |
| Company balance sheet:     |                        |                        |
| (EUR 1,000)                |             30/04/2007 |             30/04/2006 |
| Non-current assets         |                  1,050 |                  1,099 |
| Stocks                     |                  1,435 |                  1,385 |
| Debtors and financial      |                  1,199 |                  1,260 |
| assets                     |                        |                        |
| Total                      |                  3,684 |                  3,744 |
| Capital and reserves       |                  2,022 |                  1,649 |
| Creditors                  |                  1,662 |                  2,095 |
| Total                      |                  3,684 |                  3,744 |

Assets outside the ordinary course of business, including the premises owned by 
the company, will remain with the company as part of the business transaction.  

3. Acquisition of Hervannan Koneistus Oy                                        

In the share exchange proposed by Suomen Helasto Oyj's Board of Directors, the  
capital contribution of shares in Hervannan Koneistus Oy would amount to about  
EUR 3.4 million.                                                                

Hervannan Koneistus Oy specialises in machining of demanding workpieces.        
Hervannan Koneistus Oy's projected net turnover for the financial period ending 
30th September will be about EUR 11 million.                                    

The company's net turnover and operating profit for the financial periods from  
1st July 2005 to 30th September 2006 and from 1st January 2004 to 30th June 2005
were as follows (FAS):                                                          

| (EUR 1,000)                |                        |                        |
|                            |  01/07/2005-30/09/2006 |  01/01/2004-30/06/2005 |
| Net turnover               |                 12,031 |                  6,122 |
| Operating profit           |                  1,588 |                    412 |
| Company balance sheet:     |                        |                        |
| (EUR 1,000)                |             30/09/2006 |             30/06/2005 |
| Non-current assets         |                  3,973 |                  3,620 |
| Stocks                     |                 1,154  |                    765 |
| Debtors and financial      |                 1,301  |                  1,335 |
| assets                     |                        |                        |
| Total                      |                 6,428  |                  5,720 |
| Capital and reserves       |                 1,182  |                    522 |
| Creditors                  |                 5,246  |                  5,198 |
| Total                      |                 6,428  |                  5,720 |

Hervannan Koneistus Oy purchased its business on 2nd October 2004.              

Tampere, 27th September 2007                                                    

PANOSTAJA OYJ                                                                   

Juha Sarsama                                                                    

This stock exchange bulletin is a translation of the original Finnish stock     
exchange bulletin September 27,2007                                             

For further information, please contact Mr. Juha Sarsama, mobile +358 (0)40 774 