Proposal Software, Inc. to Host San Francisco PMAPS User Conference Nov. 1-2

Clients Gather to Learn Best Practices, Share Proposal Management Experience

WESTPORT, Conn., Oct. 18, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Clients of the top-rated Proposal Management and Production System PMAPS(r) will gather in San Francisco, Calif. on Nov. 1 and 2 for their annual User Conference hosted by Proposal Software, Inc., developers of PMAPS(r).

According to Proposal Software, Inc. CEO John A. Laurino, the intensive two-day conference is designed for users of PMAPS(r) who wish to maximize the functionality of the powerful software platform in their organizations, and share 'best practices' of managing the Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Information (RFI) processes. They will also exchange ideas about the 'mission critical' function of responding to the rapid growth in the number of complex RFP and RFI requests that drive much of global B2B commerce today.

Proposal Software, Inc. chief technology officer Steven Heffter will be on hand to educate clients on the latest features of PMAPS(r). The tenth generation of this powerful software, released in 2006, contained over 150 productivity improvements from its previous version. Since then it has been further improved via Service Packs 1 & 2 provided to all PMAPS(r) customers. PMAPS(r) was originally developed in 1994.

Major enhancements enable PMAPS(r) users to integrate, exchange and coordinate data with a variety of external database formats, particularly CRM platforms. Examples are eASE Exchange, the leading consultant database platform in the financial services arena; LexisNexis' InterAction CRM application, the leading CRM platform within the legal community; and Accent Technologies, the leading PowerPoint driven "pitch book" management platform.

Proposal Software Inc.'s PMAPS(r) provides the "best in class" comprehensive proposal management platform. An "industrial strength" application designed for proposal professionals and proposal management teams, PMAPS(r) is in use by over 200 leading financial services, healthcare, legal, investment management and Fortune 1000 organizations worldwide.

According to Laurino, the primary purpose of the conference is to provide PMAPS clients with insights into how to get more value out of their investment in PMAPS.

"PMAPS(r) is a powerful tool that allows proposal professionals to be as effective and efficient as possible," said Laurino. "But like any sophisticated software application, most users -- even the most experienced -- use only a portion of the inherent functionality.

"Because we are a 'client-centric' company, understanding what proposal professionals want in a tool like PMAPS(r) is critically important to us. They live on the front lines of managing complex major account proposals every day. Actively soliciting their opinions, instincts and feedback plays an important part of our development process, and has always driven the product's excellence."

Laurino added that the company has experienced a significant increase in PMAPS(r) enrollment in the previous 12 month period. Therefore some of the conference's content will be devoted to integrating clients who have recently come on board including many industry leaders in their respective market segments, including UBS Asset Management, Mellon Capital and SHPS, Inc.

The user conference will also include presentations by PMAPS(r) partners including Mimeo and eVestment Alliance.

About Proposal Software, Inc.

Proposal Software, Inc. provides the 'best in class' comprehensive proposal management platform. Clients include leading financial services, healthcare, and investment management companies including PacifiCare, Health Net, ING Investment Management, the WellPoint family of healthcare companies, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, AAM-Investment Management, Blue Asset Management, Fred Alger Management and a wide cross-section of Fortune 1000 corporations. Additional information on PMAPS(r) is available at

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