FierceMarkets Launches European Edition of Popular Wireless Publication

FierceWireless:Europe to Provide Coverage to International Wireless Community

WASHINGTON, Nov. 12, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S.-based B2B publishing company FierceMarkets ( today launched FierceWirelesss:Europe (, the European edition of its already well-established FierceWireless publication. The new edition will exclusively focus on news and trends coming out of the European wireless community.

The twice-weekly email newsletter and corresponding Web site will cover the latest news, trends, and technologies driving the European wireless industry. FierceWirelesss:Europe will feature exclusive insights, commentary, and special reports on W-CDMA deployments, next-generation networks technologies, and the convergence of mobile entertainment and the Internet.

"The wireless industry is truly a global community," said FierceMarkets President Jeff Giesea. "With FierceWireless:Europe, we are expanding our coverage to better serve the European market. This is an exciting development for the company and we are thrilled to address a demand that has existed for sometime from both our readers and advertisers."

FierceWireless:Europe will be edited by Paul Rasmussen, an industry veteran with more than 12 years covering the mobile communications marketplace. His work has appeared in numerous international publications including Global Wireless and Wireless Business Review.

"I'm very excited to be a part of the Fierce team," said Rasmussen. "I'm looking forward to bringing the European audience the unique Fierce perspective on news and analysis of the wireless industry."

Readers may sign up for free at In addition to the latest news and analysis, the FierceWireless:Europe Web site also features job boards, whitepaper listings, archives search, and easy access to other publications in the FierceMarkets telecom group, including the more U.S.-focused publication, FierceWireless.

With the launch of FierceWireless:Europe, FierceMarkets now offers 19 digital publications and has a total readership of more than 500,000.

About FierceMarkets

FierceMarkets, a leader in B2B e-media, provides information and marketing services in the Telecommunications, Life Sciences, Healthcare, IT, and Finance industries through its portfolio of email newsletters, Web sites, Webinars, and live events. Every business day, FierceMarkets publications reach more than 500,000 executives in over 100 countries. Current publications include DailyTechRag (, FierceBiotech (, FierceBioResearcher (, FierceBroadbandWireless (, FierceCIO (, FierceDeveloper (, FierceFinance (, FierceHealthcare (, FierceHealthIT (, FierceIPTV (, FierceMobileContent (, FiercePharma (, FierceSarbox (, FierceTelecom (, FierceVoIP (, FierceWireless (, FierceWireless:Europe (, IT-Wireless (, and The Business VoIP Report (


