Peab Industri starts repurchasing own shares

Peab Industri starts repurchasing own shares

The Annual General Meeting decided on 16 May 2007 to authorize the Board of Peab
Industri to repurchase a number of shares in Peab Industri AB during the period
up to the next Annual General Meeting, so that the company after the purchase
owns a maximum of 10 per cent of the registered number of shares.

The Board of Peab Industri has today with support of this authorization decided
to purchase a maximum of 1,000,000 shares. The shares will be acquired on the
OMX Stock Exchange in Stockholm at the current exchange price at the time.

The purpose of the repurchase of shares is to use these to finance acquisitions
and/or give possibility to, by later redemption, neutralize the dilution that
may arise in connection with the conversion of the convertibles that will be
issued by the company.

For additional information, please contact: 
Niclas Winkvist 
CFO Peab Industri +46 431 44 96 00 
Staffan Bremander
Corp. Comm. Mgr. Peab Industri + 46 733 37 11 10

This information is such that Peab Industri AB is obligated to publish in
accordance with the Swedish Act regarding the Securities Market and/or the
Financial Instruments Trading Act or has itself chosen to publish. 

Previous press releases from Peab Industri are available at 

Peab Industri är en ledande producent av produkter och tjänster till den
nordiska bygg- och anläggningsmarknaden. Omsättningen överstiger 6 miljarder och
antalet anställda är drygt 2 000. Verksamhet bedrivs i Sverige, Norge och
Finland. Aktien är noterad vid OMX Nordiska börs i Stockholm. Huvudkontoret
ligger i Ängelholm i Skåne.

Pièces jointes
