Peab Industri's acquisition of Nordisk Maskintjänst approved by the Swedish Competition Authority

Peab Industri's acquisition of Nordisk Maskintjänst approved by the Swedish
Competition Authority

The Swedish Competition Authority has approved Peab Industri's acquisition of
all the shares in Nordisk Maskintjänst with operations in transport and
machinery services in Luleå. Together with recently acquired company Engströms
Grävmaskiner in Boden and machinery services operations from Markteknik in Åre,
the company will be included in the business area Services and conducted under
the Cliffton trademark.

This year Peab Industri has acquired a total of eight companies, which together
had sales for a total of SEK 600 Million in 2006.

- We believe it is a definite competitive advantage to establish transport and
machinery operations in Norrland. We have been active for a long time in the
south of Sweden, but it has also been our ambition to become established in
other areas. Experience has shown that the local transport and machinery
operations have an extensive network of contracts and can therefore generate
additional business for our other operations, says Mats O Paulsson, CEO of Peab
Industri AB.

For additional information, please contact:
Mats O Paulsson, CEO Peab Industri +46 431 44 96 03
Staffan Bremander, Corp. Comm. Mgr. Peab Industri + 46 733 37 11 10

This information is such that Peab Industri AB is obligated to publish in
accordance with the Swedish Act regarding the Securities Market and/or the
Financial Instruments Trading Act or has itself chosen to publish.

Previous press releases from Peab Industri are available at

Peab Industri is a leading producer of products and provider of services for the
Nordic construction and civil engineering market. The net sales exceed SEK 6
billion and the number of employees amounts to more than 2 000. Business is
conducted in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The share is listed on the OMX Nordic
Exchange in Stockholm. The main office is located in Ängelholm in Skåne, Sweden.

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