NCGA Optimistic as Senate Advances On Farm Bill

ST. LOUIS, Dec. 7, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) today thanked the Senate for moving closer to a vote on the 2007 farm bill. Agreement has been reached on the number of amendments to be allowed, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has said he expects a vote by the holiday recess "unless something untoward happens."

"We're glad this is moving forward, and we cannot stress enough the importance of an average crop revenue program to provide targeted assistance for farmers when they need it most," said Ron Litterer, NCGA president and a grower from Greene, Iowa. "We hope to improve the existing language through the amendment process and in the conference negotiations with the House."

Litterer called on growers to reach out to their senators and express support for a revenue program option in the Senate farm bill, and for the Senate to complete the bill before going home for the holidays.

"NCGA will continue to fight for a farm bill that will strengthen the agricultural safety net, reduce federal budget deficits and create job and growth opportunities for rural America," Litterer said.

The National Corn Growers Association's mission is to create and increase opportunities for corn growers. NCGA represents more than 33,000 members and 48 affiliated state organizations and hundreds of thousands of growers who contribute to state checkoff programs. For more information on NCGA, log on to

